Mandatory Benchmarking of Training Institute

No.11-TR(17)/2005-II                                                                   Dated: Sept 14, 2005

Sub: Mandatory Benchmarking of Training Institute


All Pre-sea Maritime Training Institutes,


1.     I am to state that this Directorate vide Training Circular No. 21 of 2005 dated 12th July, 2005 has laid down directions for the training institutes to comply with the requirement of benchmarking by the grading agencies ICRA / CRISIL / CARE. The process of bench marking was initiated during year 2003-2004 and training Circular 2 of 2004 dated 1st January 2004 was issued. All the intention of the Directorate was to make it compulsory at the initial stage itself, however, considering new concept, the bench marking was made recommendatory. However, in the same circular, the institutes were advised to get themselves bench-marked and it was intimated that the same will be considered while processing new proposal / expansion of capacity in respect of the institutes.

2.      Based on the experience of the training institute and interaction with various stakeholders i.e. three benchmarking agencies (CRISIL, ICRA & CARE), Shipping companies, manning agents and training institutes etc., it has been decided to make it compulsory for all pre-sea courses w.e.f. 1st January, 2006. Accordingly, Training Circular No. 21 of 2005 dated 12.07.2005 has been issued.

3.       At this stage while the schedule of compliance is within next three months and the time is approaching fast, the Directorate would like to know the progress made by the institutes in this direction. Accordingly, you are requested to send the information to this Directorate as per enclosed format latest by 30th September 2005. You are once again intimated that failure on part of any maritime training institute conducting pre-sea courses, to get themselves benchmarked, as per training circular No. 21 of 2005 dated 12.07.2005, may lead to withdrawal of approval of such courses. In view of this you are requested to take urgent necessary action.

4.         In view of the above, it is considered important for the Directorate to monitor progress and compile information of benchmarking process being adopted by the institutes. Accordingly, it is requested that details, as per format in the enclosure, may kindly be forwarded to this Directorate at the earliest.


Yours faithfully,


(A. Shukla)

Asst. Director General of Shipping

Encl.: As above

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