Signing of Check list

General letter

No.3-TR(2)/1998                                                                                                  Date : February6, 2004

Subject: Signing of Check list


All Training Institutes,


I am directed to refer to para 1.7 of the DGS Order No.1 dated 15.1.2003 on the above subject and to state that it has been observed from the applications received from the Training Institutes for approval of the training courses that their application and other related documents viz. check list etc. is not signed and stamped by the authorized officers/representatives of the Institute. All the Training Institutes are hereby informed that before submitting their applications to the Directorate, they should ensure that all the documents have been signed and stamped by their authorized officer to avoid any further delay in processing the case. The documents received otherwise without authorised signature will not be processed further and shall be liable to be returned to the Institutes.

Yours faithfully,



Executive Officer

for Sr. Dy. Director General of Shipping

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