Coastal Branch Circular 3 of 2009
No.CS-07(1)/2005 Dated: 22.09.2009
Subject: Extension of date for possessing valid Passport by Crew of Sailing Vessels.
Reference Coastal Branch circular No. 2 of 2009 dated 02nd April, 2009 extending the date to 30.06.2009 for possessing valid passport for issuance of seamen,s Identity Card and for sailing on board Sailing Vessel as Crew to 30.06.2009.
2. Subsequently, various representations from Federation of All India Sailing Vessels Industries Associations and other sailing vessels Associations have been received for extending the date of implementation of the said requirement of passport, beyond 30.06.2009. Taking into account the difficulties faced by large number of sailing vessel crew in completing the documentation requirements of passport office for obtaining the valid passport before 30.06.09, the competent authority has decided to further extend the cut off date for possessing valid passport, to 31.12.2009.
3. Accordingly crew of sailing vessels, applying for Identity Cards to respective Regional Officer (Sails), may continue to be issued Identity Cards, subject to the appropriate criteria of the Rules, without insisting on the requirement of possession of valid passport.
4 All concerned Sailing Vessels Association and respective Regional Officer (Sails), are required to strictly monitor the progress of compliance and facilitate the crew of sailing vessels in obtaining passport in their region.
5. This is issued with the approval of Director General of Shipping & Ex- Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India.
Sd/- (Capt. H. Khatri)
Dy. Director General of Shipping