Coastal Branch Circular 1 of 2009
No.CS-07(1)/2005-Misc Dated: 06.01.2009
Subject: Extension of date for possessing valid Passport by Crew of Sailing Vessels.
Reference Coastal Branch circular No. CS-7 (1)/2005-Misc dated 6th August, 2008 which under Para (a) (Seamen's Identity Card), has required that it would be mandatory to possess valid passport for issuance of seamen's identity Card and for sailing on board Mechanized Sailing Vessel as Crew with effect from 01.01.2009.
2. Now considering various representations from Federation of All India Sailing Vessels Industries Associations and other sailing vessels Associations, requesting to extend the date of implementation of the said requirement of passport, since it is sailing season now and majority of their vessels have sailed from their home port and are engaged in transport of a cargo between Indian and Gulf countries, Sri Lanka & East Africa and hence noting that it would be difficult to ensure compliance, for possessing passport by all crew of sailing vessels, the competent authority has decided to extend the date for possessing valid passport to 31.3.2009.
3 All concerned Sailing Vessels Association and respective Regional Officer (Sails), are required to strictly monitor the progress of compliance.
4. This is issued with the approval of Director General of Shipping & Ex- Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India.
Sd/- (Capt. H. Khatri)
Dy. Director General of Shipping