Uniform ban on fishing by all deep sea fishing vessels in the Indian EEZ on the East & West Coast

Coastal Branch Circular



Subject : Uniform ban on fishing by all deep sea fishing vessels in the Indian EEZ on the East & West Coast.


     I am to forward herewith a copy of the Order No. 30035/15/97-FY(T-I)-Vol. II dated 22.3.2005 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, New Delhi imposing a uniform ban on fishing by all deep sea fishing vessels in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone on the East and West Coast, for information and strict compliance.

Yours faithfully,

(P.H. Krishnan)
Dy. Director General of Shipping

No. 30035/15/97-FY(T-I)-Vol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries

Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
the 22nd March, 2005 


            It was decided in the State Ministers' Conference on Animal Husbandry & Dairying held on 3.2.2003 at New Delhi to have a uniform fishing ban in the West Coast including the Lakshadweep Islands and in the East Coast including Andaman & Nicobar islands for conservation and effective management of fishery resources and sea safety reasons.  In view of the consensus arrived, the President is pleased to impose a uniform ban on fishing by all deep sea fishing vessels in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone on the East and West Coast as given below : 

East coast - from 15th April to 31st May, 2005 (both days inclusive) 

West coast - from 10th June to 15th August, 2005 (both days inclusive) 

            Similar ban may be imposed within the territorial waters, of all the East Coast and West Coast States/UTs by the respective State/UT during this period to make the fishing ban total for all fishing vessels in their coastal waters. 

(J.P.S. Mehrotra )
Deputy Commissioner (Fisheries)

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