No. 30035/15/97-FY(T-I)-Vol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
Dated the 22nd March, 2005
It was decided in the State Ministers' Conference on Animal Husbandry & Dairying held on 3.2.2003 at New Delhi to have a uniform fishing ban in the West Coast including the Lakshadweep Islands and in the East Coast including Andaman & Nicobar islands for conservation and effective management of fishery resources and sea safety reasons. In view of the consensus arrived, the President is pleased to impose a uniform ban on fishing by all deep sea fishing vessels in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone on the East and West Coast as given below :
East coast - from 15th April to 31st May, 2005 (both days inclusive)
West coast - from 10th June to 15th August, 2005 (both days inclusive)
Similar ban may be imposed within the territorial waters, of all the East Coast and West Coast States/UTs by the respective State/UT during this period to make the fishing ban total for all fishing vessels in their coastal waters.
(J.P.S. Mehrotra )
Deputy Commissioner (Fisheries)