No.14-NT (04)/2004-Pt |
Date :5TH December 2011 |
Subject: Exemption from the requirement of GMDSS (GOC) Operator on board Pilot /Harbour crafts operating within Port Limit: regarding Safe Manning Document.
- Background -
Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD) issued to Harbour Crafts operating within Port Limits prescribes manning by IV CoC holders. It is realized that such IV CoC holders or standard XII passed seafarers may be able to attend GMDSS course and some of them may even obtain GMDSS (GOC) issued by the Ministry of Communication but are unable to obtain STCW endorsement and thus, not able to satisfy the manning requirement under MSMD with respect to GMDSS qualification.
- Decision -
The Directorate, under the circumstances accepts compliance with minimum safe manning document requirement in case of GMDSS qualification on such crafts operating within the port limit and carrying reduced GMDSS equipment in line with DGS Circular No. NT/RADIO/01/2008, dated 05/05/2008, if any one of the deck officers has attended GMDSS course and is able to demonstrate satisfactory ability to operate limited radio communication equipment installed in such Harbour craft.
This Circular is subject to review once area A1 & A2 certification with respect to radio communication (GMDSS) qualification applicable in coastal operations of India is established.
Please be guided as per above.
(K. H. Mehta)
Sr. Radio Surveyor