Vessel's Non Compliance with LRIT.




48-NT(2)/2007-XV                                                                 Dated: 28th November, 2011

                      Sub: Vessel's Non Compliance with LRIT.

  1. During operation of LRIT for the past two years it is observed by the Indian LRIT Data Centre that various vessels operating on the coast of India are switching off the LRIT equipments due to various reasons i.e. vessel at anchorage, vessel awaiting orders at oil fields, etc. Various interactions have to be then, carried out with the vessels, Shipping Companies, Owners, and Managers to have the LRIT Sat "C" operating at all times which calls for avoidable wastage of time & resources. In case switching off INMARSAT "C" is inevitable, a vessel has to follow the guidelines issued under DGS/NT Wing Circular No.2 of 2010.
  2. Existing Requirements:

  3. It is mandatory for Shipping Companies, Owners and Managers to monitor their vessels for LRIT compliance as they have been provided with LRIT user IDs and password by the DGS LRIT department with which they should log into the LRIT GUI.
  4. River-Sea and Coastal vessels operating in port limits and exempted from full GMDSS are required to inform the LRIT cell in DGS to remove the vessels depiction from the GUI.
  5. Vessels should strictly comply with NT Wing Circular No.2 of 2010 on the switching off LRIT equipment by vessels, so that penal actions are not attached.
  6. Vessels which have already completed the Ship Borne equipment test and have been issued Conformance Test Certificate from M/s TATA Communications are required to comply with the following:
  7. LRIT compliance is mandatory as per SOLAS Reg. V/19-I and is subject to PSC inspection and its non compliance may lead to detention.
  8. New requirements:

  9. LRIT non compliant vessels will be given a warning by the DGS. Vessels must rectify & comply with the LRIT reporting within 72 hours from the day of warning. Vessels at sea should rectify their on board equipment as soon as possible or at the first available port of call. Vessels still found non compliant, will be liable for penalties under FSI detention and repeated violation may lead to suspension/cancellation of General Trading License (GTL) as this is viewed in contravention of aforesaid SOLAS Regulation.
  10. Above provisions are enforced under section 406 of Indian Merchant Shipping Act 1958 (as amended) as conditions of granting GTL.
  11.                                    This is issued with the approval of Director General of Shipping.


    (K.H. Mehta)

    Sr. Radio Surveyor

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