National LRIT Requirement as per SOLAS




No.48-NT(2)/2007-XIV                                                                 Date :10th November, 2010

Subject: National LRIT Requirement as per SOLAS Ch - V Reg 19-1 Regarding Switching off of LRIT Equipment by vessels

  1. This notice is in continuation to our earlier notice NT Wing Circular No.4 of 2008 , No.1 of 2009, No.2 of 2009 & No.1 of 2010 on the above subject, where in it was stated that all vessels above 300GT plying on the coast of India shall comply with the SOLAS Chapter - V Regulation 19-1 (LRIT).
  2. Several Shipping Companies, Ships Owners and Managers have complied with the requirements of NT Wing Circular No.4 of 2008, No.1 of 2009 and No.2 of 2009. However it is observed that few vessels have been switching off LRIT Ship Borne equipment without any intimation to Indian NDC. This practice in addition to causing breach of LRIT regulations has resulted in irregular position reporting of vessels. These vessels have been categorized as under:-

    Vessels in dry docks or laid off for long repairs.

    Coastal vessels lay up during the monsoon season in harbour.

  3. Ship owners are to take approval from NDC prior to deactivating the LRIT Terminal while selling/scrapping the vessels. The NDC will than remove the DNID and Member Number. If the DNID and member number continues to reside in the Terminal than the Equipment continues to transmit the LRIT positions even after being sold to other Flag.
  4. Ship owners installing two SAT C equipment on their vessels and having two Ship borne Equipment Identity (SEID) are to intimate the Indian National Data Centre (NDC) the SEID being Dedicated to LRIT
  5. Ship owners and Managers of vessels in future are to fill the attached Performa for seeking approval for switching off the LRIT equipment.
  6. Non compliance on the above will attract investigation, penalty and delay to the vessels. This is issued with the approval of Director General of Shipping.
  7. SD/-

    (K.H. Mehta)

    Sr. Radio Surveyor

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