- This notice is in continuation to our earlier notice NT Wing Circular No.4 of 2008 on the above subject. Where in it was stated that all vessels above 300GT and plying internationally are required to carry out the tests of its Ship Borne LRIT equipment by the Communication Service Provider (CSP) i.e TATA Communications.
- Several Shipping Companies, Managers and Ships Owners have complied as per the requirements of NT Wing Circular No.4 of 2008. However it is observed that few vessels have not undergone LRIT Ship Borne equipment test, specially the vessels above 300GT plying on the coast of Indian.
- The shipborne equipment which has not cleared the Conformance test of LRIT, Shipping Companies, Managers and Ships Owners are requested to get the shipborne equipment rectified, replace or install additional equipment and comply to the conformance test requirement of LRIT before the next Safety Radio Survey.
- Indian Administration has taken a decision that all vessels above 300GT. to comply with the requirement of LRIT and ship Borne equipment to be certified for use under LRIT as per NT Wing Circular No.4 of 2008.
- Vessels which have already completed the Ship Borne equipment test and have been issued Conformance Test Certificate from M/s TATA Communications are required to comply with the following:
The LRIT Conformance Test Certificate to be made available at all times during the Statutory Surveys by Administration or Classifications society authorized by the administration, Port State Control and Flag State Inspections.
The vessels should be intimated that under no circumstances they should delete or disable the DNID member No. registered by Indian CSP in the LRIT Ship Borne Equipment, unless due to security reasons. However in such case the same has to be intimated to the Indian NDC immediately.
If due to any reason the vessel is barred by Inmarsat the vessel Owners, Managers and Shipping companies shall inform Indian NDC immediately
During the new acquisition, sale of vessel or scrapping of the vessel, the Owners, Managers and Shipping companies are required to immediately inform the change of ownership to Indian NDC. A necessary test of ship borne equipment has to be carried out for all such new acquisitions immediately.
The master of a ship should inform the Administration without undue delay and make an entry in the record of navigational activities and incidents maintained in accordance with regulation V/28 indicating the dates and times between which:
the shipborne equipment was switched off or the distribution of LRIT information ceased, where international agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of navigational information; and
the frequency of transmission of LRIT information has been reduced or temporarily stopped, when a ship is undergoing repairs, modifications or conversions in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period.
In addition, the master of a ship undergoing repairs, modifications or conversions in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period, taking into account the instructions of the Administration, should inform the authorities of the Contracting Government within whose territory or jurisdiction the ship is located when the frequency of transmission of LRIT information is reduced or is temporarily stopped.
- In addition, the master of a ship undergoing repairs, modifications or conversions in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period, taking into account the instructions of the Administration, should inform the authorities of the Contracting Government within whose territory or jurisdiction the ship is located when the frequency of transmission of LRIT information is reduced or is temporarily stopped.
This issues with the approval of the Director General of Shipping.
[Capt. J S Uppal]
DY. Nautical Adviser-cum-Sr.DDG (Tech.).