Vision & Mission statement
Vision Statement
To be recognized globally as a highly effective,efficient ,responsible and progressive maritime administration
Mission Statement
- Provide an effective supervisory and regulatory regime conducive to;
1.1 achieve ,safe,efficient and secure shipping,
1.2 protect the marine environment,
1.3 all-round growth of Maritime Education and Training
- Provide support to the Government of India in developing and implementing a holistic and integrated maritime development program that has a positive impact on national economy;
- Develop and Implement policies that facilitate an environment which is conducive for promoting an investment in the expansion of a modern merchant fleet under the indian flag and develop globally competitive ship building and repair facilities;
- Develop and sustain a high quality human resource management catering to the needs of global including national maritime industry for competent seaferers;
- Ensure good governance by adhering to the highest standards of integrity,quality and efficiency in delivery of shipping services through consatnat innovation ,technology upgradation and value addition
- Develop measures to ensure compliance of relevant international instruments relating to safety and security of ships,protection of environment ans welfare of seaferers.
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