Schedule V
(See Rule 14(1)
Port at which contract was executed
Date of contract
Date of Regis
Name of Appr-entice
Term for which bound
If under 18 years the name and address of parents guardian authority or other persnson by whom bound
If 18 years or over, the name and address of nearest relative or guardian
Name address and occupation of person to whom bound
of trans-fer or assignm-ent
Name address and occupation of person to whom assigned
Date and &
Reasons of cancel-lation. |
Port of
Account of wages and effects of a deserting seaman or
Form No. V
Port of
Account of wages and effects of a deserting seaman or a seaman Left behind
(See rule 6 of the Merchant Shipping (Shipping office form Rules, 1963)
Issued by the Govt. of India
Name of ship
Official number
Port of registry
Name of master
Description of voyager employment
Name of seaman CDC/Registration No. and capacity
Ref. NO. in agreement
Date and port of engagement
Time of desertion or leaving behind
Place of desertion of leaving behind
Birth place and Nationality
Married or single
If married, name and residence of wife
If any children their names and age
Name & residence of father mother or of t he nearest known relation
*If the Seamen’s name is not on the articles, in this space must be entered the date of his being sent on board the ship; and in such case, here state by whom and where he was sent on board, and any other particulars.
Wages, Money, Cloths and other Amount Notice to Masters: For Initials of
effects all deductions made, Shipping Master
reasons must be given against each item
Satisfaction of the checked.
Shipping Master;
and when possible, they
Should be provide by
Receipts or entries in the
Official Log Book.
Particulars Amount of deductions
Wages at
Months Days
Money in possession of the Seaman
Deductions as per Account
Net amount ------------------ Total -----------------
I HEREBY declare that the above is a true and correct account of the Money, Wages and Effects of the above named seaman and t hat a full inventory of his effects delivered to the Shipping Master is entered on the reverse of this form.
Dated this Day of 19…………
Signature of the Master of the ship
I HEREBY certify that I have examined the above account, and compared the Inventory with the official Log Books, which is attested by the Master (and/or) one of the Crew and that the above is a true copy thereof. The balance of the account has been said and the articles have been delivered to me.
This Day of 19…………
Shipping Master
Inventory of Effects belonging to
The above mentioned Articles are contained in
*Here state the number and description of packages.
Note: valuables and foreign currency should be kept in a separate cover and handed over to the Shipping Master by the Ship-Master personally.
Issued by the Govt.
Of India
Receipt for wages, effects, etc Port of……………………….
( See rule 6 of the Merchant Shipping (Shipping Office Forms) Rules, 1963)
Name of Ship and Official No. Name of Master/Agents.
RECEIVED the sum of Rupees in respect
Of the under mentioned seaman :-
Seamen’s Name CDC Rating Amount Where left Particulars of
Registration NO. and or effects (if any
Other details of Credit discharge delivered to the
Shipping Master
1 2 3 4
Shipping Office
Port of 19………… Signature of Master
Issued by the Issued by
Govt. of India the Govt. of India
[See rule of the Merchant Shipping [See rule of the Merchant Shipping
(Shipping Office Forms) Rules, (Shipping Office Forms) Rules,
1963] 1963]
Should be filled in and retained by the Master for the satisfaction of ship owners.
Name of ship and Official Number
Name of Master
Description of voyage or Employment
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