Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates) Rules, 1968




NEW DELHI, THE 11TH April, 1968 

            G.S.R. 814.--- In exercise of the powers  conferred by sub-section (2) of section 7,  clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 299B., section 344 and clause (d) and (o) of sub-section (2) of section 344 I of  the Merchant Shipping Act.  1958 (44 of 1958),  and in supersession of the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates ) Rules, 1954, the  Central Government hereby makes the following  rules, the same having been previously  published as required by the said  sections 299B and 344, namely :-

            1. Short title and commencement. --- (1) These rules may be  called the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates ) Rules, 1968. 

            (2) They shall come into force at once. 

            2. Definitions -----  In these rules, unless the context otherwise  requires -- 

(a)   “ Act” means the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958); 

(b)  “Principal Officer” means the principal officer of the Mercantile Marine Department  of the district concerned or in his absence, the  surveyor  who carries out his duties;

(c)   “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules. 

            (3) Application for certificates ---- Every  application for the grant of a certificate referred to in sub-sections (1), (2) and (2A) of section 307 and sub-section (1) of section  344B of the Act shall be made by the owner, his agent or master of the ship to the principal officer at least three days before  the commencement of survey and shall be accompanied by the appropriate amount of fees as specified in items I to IX of the First Schedule.

            4. Inspection by surveyor ----On  receipt of an application under rule 3, the principal officer shall depute a surveyor or surveyors, a radio inspector or a person appointed under sub-section (1) of section 344B, as the case may be, for the inspection of the ship, who shall, after inspection, submit a report tot the principal officer:

            Provided  that where the owner, his agent or master desires such inspection to  be made on a Sunday or other holiday or between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. he shall be liable to pay additional fees as specified  in items X and XI of the First Schedule.

            5. Forms of certificate – (1) Nuclear passenger ship safety certificate, nuclear cargo ship safety certificate, passenger ship safety certificate, cargo ship safety construction certificate, cargo ship safety  equipment  certificate , cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy   certificate, cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate and  exemption  certificate shall be , granted in duplicate in the appropriate  form set out in the Second Schedule.

            (2)  Qualified passenger ship safety certificate, qualified cargo  ship safety construction certificate and qualified cargo ship safety  equipment  certificate  shall be in one of the appropriate forms referred to in sub-rule (1) with such  modifications as may be necessary to show in what  respects the ship, in respect  of which the certificate is issued, complies with the requirements of the  International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, signed in London on the 17th day of June, 1960, and in the case of passenger  Ship, also of the Simla Rules, 1931, as they apply to unberthed passenger ships.

            6. Certificates to be affixed in conspicuous part of ships.--  The owner or master of every ship for which a certificate has been granted  under these rules shall forthwith, on receipt  of the certificates, cause one of the duplicates  thereof to be affixed  and kept affixed  so long as the certificate  remains in force and the ships is in use on some conspicuous part  of the ship where it may be easily read by all persons on board thereof.

            7. Cancellation, suspension or withdrawal of certificate.  --- (1) Any certificate granted under these rules may be cancelled, suspended or withdrawn by the Director-General of Shipping  or any other officer authorizes by him in this behalf, if he has reason to believe, --

(a)       that  the declaration regarding the sufficiency of hull boilers,  engines or any of the equipment  of the ship has been fraudulently or erroneously made; or

(d)  that the certificate has been otherwise  been issued upon false or erroneous information.

            (2) Before any certificate is cancelled, suspended  or withdrawn under sub-rule 91), the holder thereof shall be given a reasonable  opportunity  of showing  cause why the certificate should  not be cancelled, suspended  or withdrawn as the case ma be :           

            Provided  that this sub-rule shall not apply where the Director- General  of Shipping is satisfied that  for some reason, which shall be recorded in writing, it is not reasonable practicable to give to the holder of the certificate an opportunity of showing  cause.

            8. Alternation in ships subsequent to grant of certificates--

(1)  The owner, his agent or master of a ship in respect of which a certificate granted under these rules is in force, shall as soon as possible after any alteration is made in the ship’s hull, equipment or machinery which affects the efficiency thereof or the sea worthiness of the ship, give written notice containing full particulars of the alteration to the principal officer.

            (2) If the  principal officer has reason to believe that since the survey of a ship  for the  purpose  of issue of any certificate  under these rules---

(a)        any such alteration as aforesaid has been made in the hull, equipment  or machinery of the ship; or

(b)       the hull, equipment or machinery of the ship has sustained any injury or is otherwise  insufficient,

the principal officer may require the ship to be surveyed  again to such extent as he may think  fit, and if such requirement  is not  complied with, he may cancel, suspend or  withdraw the  certificate issued  under these rules in respect of the said ship.

            9. Delivery of certificate whose period has expired or which has been cancelled, suspended  or withdrawn ------ Every certificate granted under these rules, whose  period  has expired  or which has been cancelled or suspended, or withdrawn shall be delivered  to the principal officer.

            10. Savings. ---  Nothing in these rules shall apply to the survey of cargo ships carried out by a person or body of persons in pursuance of persons in pursuance of sub-section (1A) of section 9 of the Act.



[SEE RULE 3 ] 

The fees for certificates shall be as follows :-


I. For a passenger ship safety or a qualified passenger

ship safety certificate


 II. For a cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy or a cargo            
Ship safety radiotelephony certificate *  *  *  *
 III. For a cargo ships safety equipment certificate or a qualified
cargo ship safety equipment certificate --- 

 (i)    for ships not exceeding 1600 tons gross *  *  *  *  *  * 

  (ii)   for ships exceeding 1600 tons gross but not
                   exceeding 3000 tons gross*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 

  (iii)      for ships exceeding 3000 tons gross




IV. For a cargo ship safety construction certificate of a
 Qualified cargo ship safety construction certificate
V.  For a nuclear passenger ship safety certificate  120.00
VI. For a nuclear  cargo ship safety certificate 120.00
VII. For an exemption certificate 32.00
VIII. For each additional copy of any certificate    20.00

IX. For extension of ---

(a)     Cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy or cargo ship safety
Radiotelephony certificate 

(b) Certificate not covered by clause (a) above


Half the fee prescribed for issue of the original

X. Holiday Fees. – In addition to the fees payable as prescribed  above  a fee of Rs. 60 shall be  

XI. Overtime fees. --- Overtime fees shall be charged as follows : 

(a)     Where, at the request of the owner, his agent or master of a ship, a surveyor or a radio inspector or other officer undertakes inspection of the ship after 5 P.M. and before 7 A.M. , an additional fee of Rs. Shall be charged;

(b)     Where a surveyor, or radio inspector or other officer is detained at the request for the owner, his agent or master after 5 P.M. to complete  an inspection undertaken between the hours of 7 A.M. and5 P.M., an  additional fee of Rs. 25 if the surveyor, radio  inspector or other  is released from duty before 6 P.M., and of Rs. 50 if he is detained later than 6 P.M. shall be charged; 

(c)      Where owner, his agent or master  has  asked for  inspection between the hours of 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. but the official arrangements have not allowed  of the work  being  done between  those hours, no additional fee shall  be chargeable. 

In every case falling under clause (a) or clause (b), the owner, his agent or master shall give in information in writing to the principal  officer stating  the hours during  which the surveyor, radio inspector or other  officer was in attendance.


(SEE RULE 5 (I) ]

Nuclear Cargo  Ship Safety Certificate

National Emblem 

Issued by the Government of India


Name of Ship        Distinctive Number-       Port of         Gross          Date on which

                             Or letters                      Registry      Tonnage        keel  was laid

                                                                                                          (see note below )


            I.  That the  above mentioned ship has been duly surveyed in accordance with the provisions of the Convention referred to above.

            II.    That the ship, being a nuclear ship, complied with all requirements  of Chapter VIII of the Convention and conformed to the Safety Assessment  approved  for the ship. 

            III.   That the survey showed that  the ship satisfied the requirements set out in Regulation 10 of Chapter I of the Convention as to hull, machinery and equipment, and complied  with  the relevant requirements of Chapter II. 

            IV.   That the life-saving appliances provide for a total number or persons and no more, viz:-

…….. lifeboats on port side capable of accommodating ….. Person

……..lifeboats on starboard side  capable of accommodating .. person  

……..Motor lifeboats (included in the total lifeboats shown above),

including …… motor life boats  fitted with radiotelegraph instructional and searchlight and ………….. motor  lifeboats fitted with searchlight only ; 

…….. life rafts, for  which approved launching devices are required, capable of accommodating ……………. Persons; and

……….. life rafts for which approved  launching  devices are required,        capable of accommodating……… persons;

………… life buoys ;

………… life jackets.

V.         That the lifeboats and liferafts were equipped  in accordance  with the provisions of the Regulations annexed to the Convention. 

VI.        That  the ship was provided with a line-throwing  apparatus and portable radio apparatus for  survival craft in accordance with  the provisions of the Regulations. 

VII.       That  the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radiotelegraph installations, viz.-----

                                                                                                      Requirement of    Actual provision


Hours of listening by operator                                                                      ..                      ..

Number of operators                                                                                   ..                       ..  

Whether auto alarm fitted                                                                            ..                       ..        

Whether main installation fitted                                                                    ..                       ..

Whether reserve installation fitted                                                                 ..                       ..   

Whether main and reserve transmitters                                                         ..                       ..

Electrically separated or combined                                                               ..                       ..

Whether direction-finder fitted                                                                       ..                       ..


VIII.  That the functioning of the radiotelegraph  installations for motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio  apparatus for  survival craft, if provided complied with the provisions of the Regulations.           

IX.           That the inspection showed  that the  ship complied  with the requirements of  the said convention  as regards fire-extinguishing appliances and was provided with navigation lights and shapes, pilot ladder, and means of making  sound  signals and  distress signals in accordance with the provisions of the  Regulations and the International Collision Regulations.

X.         That in all other respects the ship complied with the  requirements of  he Regulations so far as these  requirements apply  thereto. 

            This certificate is issued under the authority of the Indian Government will remain in force, unless previously  cancelled, until ---- 

            Issued at      the      day   of        19       . 

            The undersigned declares that  he is duly authorized by the Indian  Government to issue  this certificate. 

            NOTE –  It will be sufficient  to indicate the year in which the keel was laid  except for  1952 and for 1965, the year of the coming into force of the International  Convention for the Safety of  Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the  actual date should be given.

Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate        

National Emblem                                                                                        INDIA
Issued by the Govt. of India



Name of Ship

Distinctive NO. or letters

Port of Registry

Gross Tonnage

Particulars of voyage if any, sanctioned under Regulation (27) ( C) (vi) of Chapter III

Date on which keel was laid see note below











            I. That the above mentioned ship has been duly surveyed in accordance with the provisions of the Convention referred to above. 

            II. That the ship, being  a nuclear ship, complied  with all requirements of Chapter VIII of the Convention and  conformed to the Safety Assessment approved for the ship. 

            III. That the survey showed that  the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations annexed to the said Convention as regards :- 

(i) the structure, main and auxiliary boilers and other pressure vessels and machinery; 

(ii) the watertight sub-division arrangements and details;  

(iii) the following sub-division load-lines : 

Sub-division  load lines assigned and marked on the ship’s side at amid ships (Regulation II of Chapter II)

Free board

 To apply when the spaces in which passengers are carried  include the following  alternative spaces

C.   1
C.   2
C.   3

IV. That the life saving appliances provided for a total number of …… persons and no more, viz.—……………. Lifeboats (including …..  motor lifeboats) capable of

accommodating…… persons, and ….. motor lifeboats fitted    with radiotelegraph installation and searchlight (included in the total lifeboats  shown above ) and ….. motor lifeboats fitted with searchlight  only ( also  included  in the total  lifeboats shown above ) requiring ……… certificated lifeboatmen; 

……………..liferafts, for  which approved  launching devices are required,
                 capable of accommodating …….. persons; and 

……………..liferafts, for which  approved  launching  devices are not
                 required, capable of accommodating …………. Persons; 

……………..lifebuoys ; 


V.         That the life boats and liferafts were equipped in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. 

VI.        That the ship was provided with a line-throwing  appliance and portable radio apparatus  for survival craft, in accordance with the provisions of h Regulations. 

VII.       That the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radiotelegraph installation, viz. :-

                                                                                                         Requirements of   Actual provision
                                                                                                         Of Regulation


Hours of listening by operator                                                               ..                                    ..

Number of operators                                                                            ..                                    ..

Whether auto alram fitted                                                                     ..                                    ..

Whether main installation fitted                                                             ..                                    ..

Whether reserve installations fitted                                                        ..                                    .. 

Whether main and reserve  transmitters

Electrically separated or combined                                                         ..                                    ..

Whether direction-finder fitted                                                                 ..                                    ..

Number of passengers for which certificated                                            ..                                    ..

VIII.           That the functioning  of the radiotelegraph installation of motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio apparatus of survival craft, if provided, complied  with the provisions of the Regulations. 

            IX.            That the ship complied with  the requirements of the Regulations  regards fire-detecting and fire-extinguishing  appliances  and was provided with navigation lights and shapes, pilot  ladder, and  means of making  sound  signals and distress signals, in accordance with  the  provisions of the Regulations and also the International  Collision Regulations. 

            X.             That in all other respects the ship complied with the requirements of the  Regulations so far as these requirements  apply thereto. 

            This certificate is issued under the authority of the Indian Government.  It will remain in force  unless previously cancelled until--- 

            Issued at              the               day   of 19   . 

            The undersigned declares that  he is duly authorized by the Indian Government, to issue this certificate. 


            NOTE -  It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and for 1965, the year  of the coming into force for the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given. 

            In the case of a ship which is converted as provided in Regulation 1 (b) (i) of Chapter II, the date on which the work of conversion was begun should be given.  


Passenger Ship Safety Certificate

National Emblem

                                      For    an         International Voyage
                                              a short 

Issued by the Govt. of  India  

Issued under the Provisions of the



Name of ship

Distinctive Number or Letters

Port of Registry

Gross Tonnage

Particulars of voyages, if any, sanctioned under Regulation 27© (vi) of Chapter III

Date on which keel was laid (See Note below )


 This is to Certify – 

I.                         That the above-mentioned  ship has been duly surveyed  in accordance with  the provisions of the Convention referred to above.

II.                       That  the survey showed  that the ship complied  with the requirements  of the Regulations annexed to the said convention as regards :- 

(1)                    the structure, main and auxiliary boilers and other pressure vessels and machinery;

(2)                    the watertight sub-division arrangements and details : 

            (3) the followings sub-divisional loadlines :- 



Sub- division loadlines assigned and marked on the ship’s side at amidships

Assigned and marked on the (Regulation  II of Chapter II).


To apply when the spaces in which passenger are carried included the following  alternative spaces.





            III. That the life-saving  appliances provide  for a total  number of ………… person and no more, viz:-

            …………… life boats (including ……………… motor lifeboats) capable  of
                 accommodating ………………. Person, and ………………. Motor
                 lifeboats fitted with radiotelegraph installation and searchlight   
                 (included in the total  lifeboats shown above) and ……. Motor
                 lifeboats fitted with searchlight only (also  included in the total 
                lifeboats shown  above), requiring …….. certificated  lifeboatmen; 

            …………….liferafts, for  which  approved  launching  devices are required,  
                            capable of accommodating …………… persons; and

             …………… liferafts, for  which approved  launching  devices are not required ,
                           capable of accommodating…………….. persons;

            …………… buoyant  apparatus  capable  of supporting ……….. persons;
            …………… lifebuoys;          


IV.   That the lifeboats and liferafts were equipped  in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

V.                That the  ship was provided with  a line-throwing  appliance  and portable radio apparatus for  survival  craft  in accordance with the provision of the Regulations.  

VI.        That the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radio telegraph installations, viz:- 

                                                           Requirements of Regulations          Actual Provision

Hours of listening by operator

Number of operators

Whether auto alrama fitted

Whether main installation fitted

Whether reserve installation fitted

Whether main and reserve  transmitters  electrically

Separated or combined

Whether  direction  finder fitted

Number of passengers for  which certificated

 VII.       That the functioning  of the radiotelegraph  installations for motor  lifeboats and/or the portable radio  apparatus for survival craft, if provided, complied  with the  provision of the Regulations. 

VIII.      That the ship complied with the requirement  of the Regulations as regards fire-detecting  and fire – extinguishing appliances and was provided  with navigation lights and shapes, pilot ladder, and  means of making sound  signals  and distress. Signals in  accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and also the International Collision Regulations.  

IX.        That in all other  respects the ships complied  with the requirements of the Regulations, so far as these requirements  apply thereto. 

            This certificate is issued under  the authority of the Indian Government. It will remain in force, unless previously  cancelled, until ……………………………… 

            Issued at ………….. the ………….. day   of ……………… 19………….. 

            The undersigned declares that  he is duly authorized by the said  Government to issue this Certificate.  



NOTE :- It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and the year of the coming  into force of the international Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given.   

In the case of a ship which is converted  as provided in Regulation 1 (b) (i) of Chapter II of the Convention, the date on which the work of conversion was begun should be given.

Passenger ship Safety Certificate


National Emblem  


FOR    an   International Voyage in the course of which unberthed
         A Short

Passengers are carried  



Name of Ship

Official Number

Port of Registry

Gross Tonnage



Particulars of voyages if any sanctioned under Regulation 27 © (viii) of Chapter III

Date on which keel was laid (see Note below )

                       THIS IS TO CERTIFY 

            I. That the above mentioned  ship has been duly surveyed  in accordance with the provisions of the International  Convention  referred  to above.  

            II.    That the survey showed that  the ship complied  with the  requirements  of the Regulations annexed to the said Convention as regards :- 

            (1) The Structure, main and auxiliary boilers and other pressure vessels and machinery; 

            (2) The radiotelegraph installations, viz.---



                                                                                                          Requirements of      Actual
                                                                                                          Regulations             Provision

 Hours of listening by operator

       Number of operators
       Whether auto-alarm fitted
       Whether main installation fitted
       Whether main installation fitted
       Whether  main and reserve
       Transmitters electrically separated
       Or combined
       Whether direction finder fitted}
       Number of passengers for which Certificated


          * III.      That the survey showed that the  ship, when carrying berthed  passengers only and having  on board a total number (crew and passengers) not exceeding ………… persons, complied  with the requirements  of the Regulations annexed to  the said  Convention as regards--- 

          (1) the watertight  sub-division arrangements and details;

          (2) the following  sub-division loadlines :- 

                      Sub-division loadlines assigned and marked on  the ship  side  at amind-ships (Regulation II of Chapter II)


To apply when the space in which passengers are carried  included  the following alternative spaces.











            (3) the life-saving appliances provided for a total number ……… persons and no more, viz:- 

……………   Lifeboats (including …….. motor lifeboats) capable of
                   accommodating ……. Persons, and ……motor lifeboats fitted
                   with radiotelegraph installation and  searchlight ( included in
                   the total life boats shown above), and ….. motor  lifeboats fitted
                    with searchlight  only ( also included in the total  lifeboats
                   shown above) requiring …… certified lifeboatmen; 

 ……………liferafts, for which approved launching devices are required,
                 capable of accommodating ………. Persons and; 

……………..liferafts, for which  approved  launcing devices are not required
                  capable of accommodating ………….. persons; 

…………….buoyant apparatus capable of supporting ………… persons ;  

……………. Lifebuoy; 

…………….lifejackets ; 

            (4)  the lifeboats and lilferafts were  equipped in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations; 

            (5)   the ship was provided  with a line-throwing  appliance and portable radio apparatus  for survival craft in accordance with the provisions  of the Regulations. 

            IV.   That  the above-mentioned  ship has been duly surveyed in accordance with the provisions of the Simla Rules, 1931 , applicable to a voyage with in the following  limits, viz………………… 

            V.    That the survey  showed that the  ship, when carrying unberthed passengers and  having  on board a total  number (crew and passengers ) not exceeding  …… persons, complied  with the requirements of the  said Simla Rules as regards :- 

            (1) The watertight sub-division arrangements and details;            

            (2) the following sub-division loadlines :- 

Sub-division loadlines assigned and marked on the ship’s side  at amid-ships (Simla  Rules 8 (4) ]



To apply when the space in which passengers and carried included the following  alternative spaces

D- 1







             (3) the life-saving appliances provided for a total number of ….. persons and no more, viz.---- 

………………… lifeboats (including …… motor lifeboats or mechanically   
                       propelled  lifeboats) capable  of accommodating ………
                       persons, and ……….. motor lifeboats fitted  with
                       radiotelegraph installation and  searchlight (included  in
                       the total lifeboats shown  above) requiring …….. certificated
………………… lferafts capable of accommodating ………..persons.
…………………buoyant apparatus capable of supporting ……… persons;

            (4)   the lifeboats and liferafts were equipped  in accordance with the provisions of the regulations. 

            (5) the line-throwing  appliance and lifeboat portable radio apparatus. 

            VI. The above mentioned ship is, therefore, under the authority of Regulation 1 (e) Chapter II and Regulations 3 (b) Chapter III of the said Convention  exempted  from the requirements of Chapters II and III of the Convention when carrying  unberthed passengers within the limits specified in part IV above. 

            VII. That in all other  respects the ship complies  with the requirements of  the Regulations, so far as those requirements apply thereto. 

            This passenger Ship Safety Certificate is issued  under the authority of the Government  of India.  It will remain in force, unless previously cancelled, until the ………… day  of ………. 19….. issued at …..the …… day of ……19   .          

            The undersigned declares that  he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate. 



            * If not applicable, the words “Not applicable” should be written across this PART.           

            NOTE ------  It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and for 1965, the year of the coming into force of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 in which cases the actual date  should  be given. 

            In the case of a ship which is converted as provided in Regulation 1 (b) (i) of Chapter II of the Convention, the date on which the work  of conversions was begun should be given.

 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate


                      National Emblem 



Name of ship

Distinctive Number of letter

Port of Registry

Gross Tonnage

Date on which keel was laid (see Note below)












            That  the above-mentioned ship has been duly surveyed  in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 10 of Chapter I of the  Convention referred to above, and that the survey showed that the condition  of the hull, machinery and equipment, as defined in the above Regulation was in all respects  satisfactory  and that the ship compiled with the applicable requirements Chapter II ( other  than that relating to  fire extinguishing appliances and fire control plans). 

              This certificate is  issued under the authority of the Indian Government. It will  remain in force, unless previously cancelled, until – 

                      Issued at ……….. the …….. day of ……… 19     

            The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized  by the said Government to issue  this certificate. 



          Note:- It will be sufficient to indicate he year in which the keel was  laid except for 1952 and for  1965 , the year of the coming into force of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given.

 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate 

                      National Emblem                                                                  INDIA




           INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1960                     

Name of ship

Distinctive Number of letters

Port of Registry

Gross tonnage

Date on which keel was laid (see Note below )








                       THIS IS TO CERTIFY :- 

            I.     That the above mentioned ship has been duly inspected in accordance with the provisions of  the convention referred to above.           

            II.    That the inspection should  that the  life-saving appliances provided for  a total number of …………. Persons and no more, viz:- 

………………..lifeboats on port side capable of  accommodating ……..

………………..        lifeboats on starboard side capable of  accommodating       …..persons;

………………..        motor lifeboats (included in the total lifeboats shown
above), including …… motor lifeboats fitted with

                                     radiotelegraph installation and searchlights, and……
                                     motor life boats fitted with searchlight only;

………………..        liferafts, for which  approved  launching devices are  
                        required, capable of accommodating ………. Persons;

…………………. Liferafts, for which approved launching devices are
                        not required, capable of accommodating …….

…………………. Lifebuoys;

………………….lifejackets ;

III.      That  the lifeboats and liferafts were equipped  in accordance  with the provisions of the Regulations annexed to t he convention.

IV.     That the ship was provided with a line-throwing  apparatus and portable radio apparatus for  survival craft in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

V.      That the inspection showed that the ship complied with requirements of the said Convention  as regards fire- extinguishing appliances and  fire control plans and was provided with navigation lights and shapes, pilot ladder, and men as of making sound signals, and distress signals, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and the International Collision Regulations.

VI.     That in all other respects the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations so far as these requirements apply hereto.

  This certificate is issued under the  authority of the Indian Government.  He will remain in force, unless previously cancelled, until--------------

  Issued at …………….. the ………….. day  of ………….. 19    .

          The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.





            NOTE -  It will be sufficient to indicate the year in  which the keel was laid except for 1952 and the year of the coming into force of the  International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given.


Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate  

National Emblem                                                                                        INDIA 




Name of ship

Distinctive Number of Letters

Port of Registry

Gross Tonnage

Date on which keel was laid  (See note below )











            I. That the above-mentioned  ship complies  with the provisions of the Regulations annexed to the Convention referred  to above as regard Radio telegraphy :-

                                                                              Requirement        Actual provisions
                                                                             of Regulations 

Hours of listening by operator  

Number of operators  

Whether auto-alram fitted  

Whether main installation fitted  

Whether reserve installation fitted  

Whether main  and reserve transmitters electrically
Separated or combined

 Whether direction finders fitted 

II. That the functioning of the radiotelegraph installation for motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio apparatus for survival craft, if provided, complies with the provisions for said Regulations.

            This certificate is issued  under the authority  of the Indian Government.  It will remain in force, unless previously cancelled, until……..  

            Issued at ……………….  The ………… day of ………. 19   . 

            The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized by the said  Government to issue  this certificate. 



NOTE-  It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and for 1965, the year of the coming into force of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given.

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