Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1997

(Shipping Wing) 

New Delhi, the 19th February, 1997 

            G.S.R. 129.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 420, sub-section (i) of Section 435 and Section 457 read with Sections 429 and 458 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958) and in supersession of the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960, the Merchant Shipping (tonnage Measurement of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960.  The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free Board) rules, 1960.  The Sailing Vessels (Inspection) Rules, 1962, the Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew) Rules, 1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Members of Crew) Rules, 1967, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely : 

            1.         Short title commencement and application—(1) These rules may be called the Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1997. 

            (2)        They shall come into force from the date of their publication, in the Official Gazette. 

                        (3)        Save as otherwise provided, these rules shall apply to every sea-going vessel which satisfies the descriptions and requirements specified in Section 21 of the Act. 

            2.         Definitions.—In these rules, unless the context otherwise required-- 

(a)        "Act"-- means the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958). 

(b)        "central register"—means the register of sailing vessels maintained by the Director General. 

(c)        "coasting sailing vessel"—means a vessel which is employed in trading between any port or place in India and any other port or place on the continent of India or places in India and ports or places in Srilanka ; 

(d)        "Director General—means the Director General of Shipping appointed under Section 7 of the Act ; 

(e)        "fair season and foul season"—means respectively the seasons as specified in Schedule IV; 

(f)         "Form"—means Forms set out in Appendix appended to these rules ; 

(g)        "free board deck"—means the uppermost complete deck having permanent means of closing all the openings on the weather part of the deck; 

(h)        "gross tonnage"—means the sum total of the cubic capacity of spaces below the upper deck and spaces permanently covered and closed in spaces on or above the upper deck; 

(i)         "Identity Card"—means an identity card and includes permit issued under these rules; 

(j)         "issuing authority"-means the authority as specified in Schedule V; 

(k)        "length"-means the length described in Schedule II; 

(l)         "port of registry"-in relation to a sailing vessel means a port where the sailing vessel is registered under these rules; 

(m)       "register"-means the register of sailing vessels maintained by the Register at the port of registry ; 

(n)        "register tonnage" or "net tonnage"-means the tonnage arrived at after allowing deductions permissible as specified in Schedule II from the gross tonnage of a vessel; 

(o)        "registrar"-means the registrar of Indian ships at a port and includes any officer or authority appointed by the Central Government under Section 24 of the Act to exercise the powers and discharge the functions of the registrar under these rules ; 

(p)        "Schedule"-means Schedule appended to these rules ; 

(q)        "Surveyor"-means a Registrar holding a certificate of competency issued under sub-section (1) of Section 78 of the Act or recognized as equivalent thereto, or a surveyor appointed under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Act or a Naval Architect appointed by the Central Government or any other person appointed in this behalf of the Central Government. 

(r)         "ton"-means a unit of volume equal to 100 cubic feet or 2.83 cubic metres ; 

(s)        "tonnage deck"-in the case of decked vessel, means the uppermost continuous deck having permanent means of closing the openings on deck ; 

                        (t)         "vessel"-mean a sailing vessel.


            3.         Application for registry.—(1) Every application for the registry of a sailing vessel under Section 417 of the Act shall be made in SVR Form I to the registrar of the port of registry nearest to the place where the owner resides or where the vessel is built or may be based. 

                        (2)        Every such application shall be accompanied by-- 

(a)        a declaration of ownership by the applicant as specified in SVR Form II or Form III as the case may be ; 

           (b)        the documents of title to the vessel ; 

(c)        the builder's certificate provided that due to certain reasons it is not possible for the owner to produce the builder's certificate, keeping in view the circumstances the Registrar may dispense with the same. 

            4.         Name of vessel.—(1) When applying for the registry, the owner shall specify the name which he proposed to adopt for the vessel. 

                        (2)        If the proposed by the owner is the same as or similar to the name by which any other sailing vessel has already been registered at the port of registry, the Registrar may refuse the registry by such name and require the owner to suggest an other name by which the vessel may be registered. 

            (3)        When the name suggested by the owner has been approved by the Registrar, the vessel shall be registered by that name. 

            5.         Official number of the vessel.—(1) After satisfying himself about the nationality of the applicant and his title to the vessel the Registrar shall assign to the vessel an official number from a consecutive series maintained at each port of registry preceded by 3 distinguishing code letters indicating the port of registry at specified in Schedule 1

                        (2)        The official number once assigned to a sailing vessel shall not be changed except with the vessel is registered again at another port of registry or shall the official number on cancellation of the registry of vessel or otherwise, be re-assigned to another vessel. 

            6.         Grant of certificate of registry.—(1) On completion of all the requirements for the registry of sailing vessel, the Registrar shall, after the tonnage of the vessel has been as certained in accordance with the provisions of Schedule II, and enter the particulars of the vessel in the register as specified in SVR Form IV kept by him for the purpose and grant a certificate of registry. 

                        (2)        Every certificate of registry granted under sub-rule (1) shall be as specified in SVR Form V. 

                        (3)        The certificate of registry shall on demand by a registrar or any officer of the Customs or of the Mercantile Marine Department, or a Regional Office (Sails), be produced by owner or tindal. 

            7.         Painting of name and official number on vessel.—(1) The code letters indicating the port of registry, the name of the vessel by which it is registered and the official number assigned to it under Rule 5 shall be painted in white oil colour against a black background on both quarters of the vessel near the stern.
                        (2)        All letters and figures painted shall be of such size as the Registrar may determine in such case but shall not be less than one decimeter in height and two centimeters in width. 

            (3)        The letters and figures referred to in this rule shall also be painted in suitable size on the dinghies attached to the vessel. 

            8.         Change of name.-(1)       The name of the vessel under which it has been registered shall not after such registry be altered or changed except with the previous approval of the Registrar. 

            (2)        Every application for the change of name of the vessel shall be made to the Registrar of the vessel's post of registry and shall specify the reasons for the proposed change.  The registrar may, if he is satisfied that the change proposed is reasonable and necessary, approve the change. 

            (3)        Where the name of the vessel which is mortgaged is sought to be changed, the consent of the mortgaged shall also be obtained for the proposed change.  

            (4)        The new name which has been approved by the Registrar shall be entered in the register and in the certificate of registry of the vessel. 

            9.         Registry of alterations.—(1) An application for the registry of alterations to a vessel shall be as specified in SVR Form VI within a period of one month of such alteration to the Registrar of the port where the vessel is registered. 

                        (2)        Where the alteration are not substantial, that is to say, do not mate tally affect the dimensions or the tonnage of the vessel or its carrying capacity, the Registrar shall enter the alterations in the register and also in the certificate of registry of the vessel. 

                        (3)        Where the alteration materially effect the dimentions, the tonnage or the carrying capacity of the vessel, the Registrar shall register be vessel afresh. 

                        (4)        Where the Registrar decided to register the vessel afresh as required by sub-rule (3) above, he shall do so within a period of sixty days on receipt of application or completion of alteration whichever is later. 

            10.        Transfer of registry.—(1) If the person having an interest in the vessel whether as owner or mortgages, desire that the registry of the vessel may be transferred from one port to another, then they shall apply as specified in SVR FORM VII to the registrar of the port of registry for such transfer. 

                        (2)        The Registrar shall, if he is satisfied that the proposed transfer is unobjectionable, transmit the particulars of the vessel and the encumbrances, if any thereon, to the Registrar of the intended port of registry. 

            (3)        The Registrar at the intended port of registry, after he is satisfied that the new official number with the code letters of the port are duly painted on the vessel as specified in rule 7, shall issue a fresh certificate of registry and communicate to the Registrar of the original port of registry the official number assigned to the vessel and the date of its registry. 

            11.        Closing of registry.—(1) Where the registry of the vessel is transferred under rule 10, the Registrar of the original port of registry shall close the registry of the vessel in his register. 

                        (2)        Where the registry of the vessel at any port is closed under Section 425 of the Act, or under sub-rule (1), the Registrar of the port shall forthwith submit to the Director General a statement of the particulars of the vessel and the circumstances in which the registry has been closed. 

            12.        Transfer of vessel or interest therein.—(1) The owner or in the case of joint ownership, the owners of the vessel desiring to transfer the vessel or any interest therein shall apply to the Registrar of the port of registry for permission to do so. 

                        (2)        The Registrar shall, after making such enquiry as he thinks, fit, grant permission for transfer of ownership within a period of sixty days from the date of receipt of such application. 

                        (3)        After the proposed transfer of ownership is permitted and the sale has been effected, the transfer shall present to the Registrar of the port of registry a declaration of ownership, the instrument of transfer and the existing certificate of registry of the vessel, and thereupon, the registrar shall enter the particulars of the transfer of ownership in his register and issue a fresh certificate of registry. 

                        (4)        The Registrar shall, on transfer of ownership and issue of a fresh certificate of registry intimate the same to the Director General. 

            13.        Mortgage of vessel.—(1) Every instrument of mortgage of a vessel or any interest therein shall be as specified in SVR FORM VIII or SVR FORM IX, as the case may be. 

            (2)        The Registrar shall, after satisfying himself that the instrument is properly executed, record the same in his register with the date and hour of acceptance and shall make an endorsement to that effect on the mortgage instrument. 

            (3)        Where there are two or more mortgages on the same vessel, their respective properties shall be indicated in the register in the appropriate column by the letters A, B, C……………….. in alphabetical order. 

                        (4)        Where a vessel belonging to a company is mortgaged the registrar shall not register the mortgage unless it has also been registered with the Registrar of Companies under section 134 of the Companies Act, 1956. 

            (5)        When the mortgage debt is fully discharged, the Registrar shall, after satisfying himself that the receipt endorsed on the mortgage instrument is in order and that it is properly witnessed and, where the mortgage is by a company also that a memorandum of satisfaction has been entered in the register of charges under section 138 of the Companies Act, 1956, makes an entry in the register relating to the discharge of the mortgage. 

            (6)        No payment of ownership of any instalment of a mortgage debt shall be recorded in the register. 

            14.        Transfer of ownership by operation of law.—(1) Where the title to the vessel devolves on any person by operation of law, such person shall apply to the registrar specifying the circumstances in which he has acquired title to the vessel and also adducing evidence of such acquisition. 

                        (2)        If the Registrar, after making such enquiry as he thinks fit, is satisfied about the claim of the applicant, he shall  register the particulars of change of ownership in his register and also endorse the particulars in the certificate of registry of the vessel. 

            15.        Vessels owned by minors.—(1) Where a vessel is registered in the name of a person as the guardian of a minor and on the attainment of majority of such minor he may apply to the Registrar for altering the entries in the register relating to the vessel. 

                        (2)        The Registrar shall when issue a fresh certificate in the name of the applicant. 

                        (3)        No fee shall be charged for issuing a certificate of registry under sub-rule (2). 

            16.        Provisional certificate of registry.—(1) Where an application for the registry of a sailing vessel is pending before the Registrar and the Registrar is having regard to the circumstances of the case, is of the opinion that the vessel should not be detained at the port till the issue of the certificate of registry to avoid such detention the Registrar may issue a provisional certificate of registry as appeared in SVR FORM X. 

            (2)        Every provisional certificate issued under sub-rule (1) shall specify the particulars of the vessel and of the owner and tindal thereof, or in the case of registry afresh the particulars as entered in the original certificate of registry. 

            (3)        A provisional certificate shall be valid for a period not exceeding three months or for such period as may be specified therein : 

                        Provided that the Registrar may, if he is, satisfied that, in the circumstances of the case it is necessary to do so, extend the period of validity by a further period but not exceeding two months. 

            17.        issue of duplicate copies of certificate.—(1) The Registrar, on application made by the owner to issue a duplicate copy of the certificate of registry may after satisfying himself to the effect that the original certificate has been destroyed, lost, mislaid, mutilated or defaced, issue the same clearly marked on it "DUPLICATE" in red ink. 

                        (2)        Every application for duplicate copy of a certificate of registry shall be accompanied by a declaration regarding the circumstances in which the original certificate was destroyed, lost, mislaid, mutilated or defaced. 

                        (3)        Where a duplicate copy of a certificate of registry has been obtained on the ground that the original has been lost or mislaid, and such original is subsequently found or received by the owner, he shall forthwith surrender the original certificate to the Registrar who shall cancel the same. 

                        (4)        A duplicate copy of the certificate of registry shall not be granted on the ground that the original has been mutilated or defaced unless the mutilated or defaced certificate is surrendered to the Registrar. 

            18.        Central Register.—(1) The Director General of Shipping shall maintain a central register which shall contain all the entries recorded in the registers kept by the Registrar. 

                        (2)        On completion of the registry of a vessel at a port, the Registrar of the port shall immediately transmit to the Director General of Shipping a copy of the entries in his register relating to the vessel. 

                        (3)        The particulars of every other transaction subsequently recorded in the register shall also be reported forthwith to the Director General. 

            19.        Inspection of register and supply of copies of entries (1) The register maintained by the Registrar, shall on application made in this behalf and on payment of the prescribed fee, be open to inspection by any person during office hours. 

                        (2)        A certified copy of any entry in a register may be granted by the Registrar to any person on application made in that behalf and on payment of the prescribed fee as specified in Schedule VI. 

            20.        Declaration of ownership—Every declaration o ownership shall be made before the Registrar of sailing vessels or a Justice of the Peace, or a Magistrate of the First Class or Mamlatdar of a Commissioner of Oaths. 

            21.        Gross and net tonnage.—The tonnage of a sailing vessel shall be ascertained in accordance with the previsions of Schedule-II. 



            22.        Vessels to be certified—No vessel shall ply or proceed to sea unless it has been assigned the free board in accordance with the provisions of these rules. 

            23.        Application for Certificate of Inspection—Every application for grant of Certificate of Inspection as required by Section 421 of the Act shall be made as specified in form SCIC-I to the Registrar and be accompanied by fee at the rates specified in Schedule VI. 

            24.        Inspection and Survey for assignment of free boards-On receipt of an application under Rule 23 of the Registrar shall cause the vessel to be inspected by Surveyor and also cause the vessel to be surveyed for assignment of freeboard.  The Surveyor on completion of the Inspection and Survey for Assignment of freeboard shall forward to the Registrar the report on the result of inspection and surveys for assignment of freeboard. 

            25.        Preparation for Inspection.—The following preliminaries shall be completed by the owner or tindal of a vessel before an inspection is commenced, namely-- 

(1)        the vessel shall be made clean and free from cargo. 

(2)        rigging and equipment shall be kept handy for inspections. 

(3)        The vessel shall be cleaned externally and placed on a hard or slipway sufficiently clear of the ground. 

(4)        unless the surveyor has any reason to doubt the condition of the hull, the arrangement of sub-rule (3) need only be carried out once in three years. 

            26.        Particulars of marking to be furnished.—If on a consideration of the report of the surveyor under rule 24, the Registrar is satisfied that the free board may be assigned he shall furnished to the owner the particulars of the position in which the deck line and the free board line are to be marked. 

            27.        Computation of free board.—The free boards for vessels shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Schedule III. 

            28.        Markings.—(1) The owner of the vessel shall cause to be marked on each side of the vessel the particulars of the deck and the free board lines and also the due as in the following figure--



                        (2)        The markings referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be cut into the planking to a depth of atleast 3 millimetres and shall be painted white or yellow on a dark background. 

                        (3)        In the case of decked vessels, it shall be ensured that the deck planking is in good condition and properly caulked and that efficient means of battening down the hatches is provided. 

                        (4)        It shall be ensured that—(i) Sails are of strong and durable material and in good condition and of sufficient area to enable efficient navigation under sails alone. 

                        (ii)         al blocks, pulleys and ropes are in good condition and of sufficient strength. 

                        (iii)        the anchors, chains, hawsers are sufficient and efficient. 

                        (5)        Special attention shall be paid to the condition of the rudder and helm and their fastenings. 

                        (6)        All pumps shall be tested for efficiency by actually working them for not less than ten minutes. 

                        (7)        It shall be ensured that the free board marking are properly marked and maintained and that no alterations affecting the position of the free board markings have taken place. 

            30.        Equipments—(1) Every sailing vessel shall be equipped with life saving and fire appliances prescribed for Class XIV under the Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances) Rules, 1991 and the Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances Rules, 1990. 

                        (2)        Every sailing vessel other than a coasting vessel shall be equipped with life saving and fire appliances prescribed for a class VII and XII under the Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances) Rules, 1956 and Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances) Rules, 1956. 

                        (3)        Every vessel of over 100 gross tons shall be provided with at least one hand operated pump for pumping bilges only. 

                        (4)        Every vessel other than the coasting vessel shall be provided with a compass. 

                        (5)        Every vessel other than a coasting vessel of 200 tons or more may be provided with VHF at the option of the owner under intimation to the Registrar of sailing vessels. 

                        (6)        "Lights", shapes and sound shall be in accordance with the collision regulations. 

            31.        Auxiliary Engines –(1) Before a vessel is to be fitted with a auxiliary engine, it shall be inspected by a surveyor to ascertain whether the hull is of adequate strength for the engines to be installed. 

                        (2)        The engine shall be fitted and necessary tests and speed trials carried out to the satisfaction of a surveyor. 

            (3)        Unless the surveyor has any reason to doubt the efficiency of an engine, compete dismantling and inspection need only be carried out once in five years. 

                        (4)        Fee for inspection of the vessel, engine and trails under this rule shall be paid by the owners or tindal of the vessel at the rates specified in Schedule VI. 

            32.        Fuel Tanks—The fuel storage tanks for the running of the auxiliary machinery shall  be properly constructed and permanently fixed in the vessel. 

            33.        Defects—(1) If a surveyor finds that any defect exists in the hull, rigging, equipment or machinery or a vessel, he shall address a letter to the owners or tindal of the vessel as specified in Form SVIC II pointing out the defects and the repairs necessary to make them good. 

                        (2)        The repairs shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the surveyor. 

            34.        Issue of certificate of inspection—(1) On being satisfied that the vessel has complied with the provisions of the foregoing rules, the Registrar shall grant, in duplicate, a certificate of inspection as specified in Form SVIC III. 

                        (2)        Every certificate of inspection issued shall be valid from the date of its issue for a period of three years subject to annual inspection of the vessel : 

                        Provided that the surveyor may for reasons to be recorded in writing, issue a certificate of inspection for such shorter period as may be specified. 

            35.        Delivery of expired certificate of inspection—Any certificate of inspection issued under rule 34 which has expired or has become invalid due to structural damage to the vessel to deficient equipment or any other cause shall be surrendered to the Registrar of the first port of call after such expiry. 

            36.        Alterations to the vessel—Whenever alterations have taken place in the hull or superstructure of a vessel so as to affect the position of the free board lines, the owner shall apply for a fresh free board certificate.

            37.        Loading of vessel—No vessel shall be so loaded that the marking of the free board line is submerged. 

            38.        Issue of duplicate certificate of inspection—(1) In the vent being destroyed, lost, mislaid, mutilated or defaced, of an original certificate of inspection the Registrar may, on application being made to him stating the full facts and upon being satisfied of the genuineness of the case, grant a duplicate certificate of inspection. 

                        (2)        Every such application shall be accompanied by a fee a specified in Schedule VI. 

                        (3)        If an original certificate of inspection stated to be mislaid, lost or destroyed shall at any time after the issue of a duplicate thereof be found, it shall forthwith the surrendered to the issuing authority. 

            39.        Transfer of registry—When a vessel's registry is transferred or there has been a change of name of ownership or tonnage, the certificate of inspection shall be produced to the Registrar for endorsing the alteration. 

            40.        Trading limits—The trading limits if any, and the conditions for such trading, shall  be specified in the certificate of inspection depending upon the size, type, construction and general suitability of the vessel for which the surveyor considers the vessel to be fit. 

            41.        Returns—Every Registrar shall submit to the Principal Officer, MMD of the District on or before the 15th January and the 15th July of each year a return showing the particulars of certificates of inspection issued during the previous half-year.  The return shall be as specified in Form SVIC IV. 

            42.        Production of certificate of inspection.  The owner or tindal of the vessel shall produce the certificate of inspection in demand by a surveyor or any officer of the Customs or of the Mercantile Marine Department or a Regional Officer (Sails). 



            43.        Possession of permits/identity cards—(1) No person shall serve or be allowed to serve on sailing vessel on any voyage outside India unless-- 

                                    (a)        as tindal, he is in possession of a permit; 

(b)        any other member of the crew, is in possession of any identity card valid under these rules.           

                        (2)        The holder of a permit or an identity card shall, on demand by any issuing authority or a Registrar of a vessel or any officer of Customs, produce such permit or identity card for inspection by such authority, Registrar or officer. 

                        (3)        No officer of customs may clear outward any vessel, unless the tindal thereof in possession of a permit and the other member of the crew thereof are in possession of identity cards valid under these rules. 

            44.        Issue of permits/identity cards—(1) An application for a permit or an identity card along with the fee as specified in Schedule VI and copies of passport size photographs of the applicant, shall be made in duplicate as specified in Form A to the issuing authority. 

                        (2)        On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) the issuing authority shall, after conducting such inquiry, as he may consider necessary, either issue the permit or identity card or, for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to issue the same. 

                        (3)        Permits and identity cards shall be issued as specified in Form B and shall be numbered serially, such number being preceded by the code letters of the port of issue a specified in Schedule I. 

                        (4)        A permit or an identity card shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of its issue ; Provided that the issuing authority may issue for reasons to be recorded in writing, a permit or an identity card for a period less than one year; Provided further that where, at the expiry of a permit or an identity card, the holder thereof is on a vessel which is on a voyage outside India, such permit of an identity card shall be deemed to be valid until such vessel arrives at any port in India. 

            (5)        Where a permit or an identity card is refused by the issuing authority or where such permit or identity card issued for a period less than one year, the issuing authority shall inform the applicant in writing stating the reasons thereof and in the case of refusal the fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant. 

                        (6)        The issuing authority shall forward a duplicate copy of every application received by him under this rule to the Director General of Shipping for record and whereon an application for a permit or an identity card is refused he shall also send a report stating briefly there in the reasons for such refusal. 

            45.        Renewal of permit/identity card—(1) The holder of a permit or an identity card shall apply for renewal to the issuing authority within a period of 30 days of the expiry of such permit of identity card along with renewal fee as specified in Schedule VI. 

                        (2)        The issuing authority shall renew the permit or an identity card for a period less than one year by making suitable endorsement thereon: 

                        (3)        Where the issuing authority refuses to renew a permit or an identity card under this rule or where he renew such permit or identity card for a period less than one year, he shall inform the holder or such permit or identity card in writing stating the reasons therefore and in the case of refusal, shall refund the fee to the applicant paid by him. 

                        (4)        Where the issuing authority refuses to renew a permit or an identity card under this rule he shall send a report to the Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department stating briefly therein the reasons for such refusal.

            46.        Suspension or cancellation of permit/identity card-If issuing authority has reasons to believe that the holder of a permit or of an identity card has- 

(a)        used or attempted to use false document or made a false declaration for the purpose of obtaining the permit or, as the case may be the identity card. 

(b)        committed or attempted to commit any offence punishable under Chapter IX or Chapter XVII of the Indian Penal code (45 of 1860) or under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 (2 of 1947) or under the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962). 

(c)        Without sufficient cause deserted his place of duty on a vessel or has, without such cause, refused to discharge his duties on a vessel, then the issuing authority may, after giving the holder an opportunity to be heard, by order in writing and for reasons which shall be communicated in writing to the holder suspended or cancel the permit or identity card for such period as he may specify.                   

            47.        Appeals-Any person aggrieved by any of the following decision of the issuing authority,  namely- 

                        (a)        refusing him a permit or an identity card; 

(b)        issuing him a permit or an identity card for a period of less than one year; 

(c)        refusing to renew his permit or identity card or renewing his permit or identity card for a period of less than one year; 

(d)        suspending or canceling his permit or identity card within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the decision of the issuing authority, may appeal in writing to the Director General. 

            48.        Issue of duplicate permit/identity card—Where a permit or an identity card is lost, destroyed, defaced or mutilated, the holder thereof may apply, alongwith an affidavit setting out the facts to the issuing authority for a duplicate copy of such permit or an identity card. 

                        (2)        An application for the purpose of sub-rule (1) Shall be accompanied by a fee as specification schedule VI: 

                        Provided that the issuing authority may, if satisfied that such permit or identity card is lost, destroyed, defaced or mutilated for reasons beyond the control of the holder thereof refund such fee. 

                        (3)        On receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) the issuing authority, after satisfying itself as to the correctness of the statements made therein, may issue a duplicate permit or as the case may be an identity card and such permit or identity card shall be marked 'DUPLICATE" in red ink. 

                        (4)        Where a permit or an identity card which has been stated to be lost or destroyed and in respect of which duplicate has been issued under this rule, is subsequently found, it shall be surrendered to the issuing authority for cancellation. 

            49.        Central Register—(1) on or before the 10th of every month, every issuing authority shall submit to the Director General a return relating to the issuing or permits and identity  cards to the members of crew as specified in Form C

                        (2)        The Director General shall maintain a central register as specified in Form D and enter therein details of all permits and identity card issued under these rules and any subsequent particulars reported from time to time. 

            50.        Form of statement of crew-(1) Every owner or tindal of the vessel shall maintain or caused to be maintained a statement of the crew as referred to in section 429 of the Act, in Form E appended to the rules. 

            51.        Copy of the statement to be communicated to the register—The owner or tindal of the sailing vessel shall communicate a copy of the statement of the members of crew of the sailing vessel and every change entered therein to the registrar of the port of registry of the vessel concerned. 

            52.        Statements to be produced on demand—The owner or tindal of a vessel shall produce the statement for inspection on demand by the registrar, the regional officer (sails) or any other officer appointed in this behalf. 



            53.        Fees-- 

                        Fees shall be levied under these rules at the rates and for the purposes specified in Schedule VI. 

            54.        Penalty-- 

                        Whoever commits a breach of any of the provisions of these rules shall be punishable with fine which may extend to be one thousand rupees, and if the breach is a continuing one, with further fine which may extend to fifty rupees for  every day after the first during which breach continues.


[See rules 5(1) & 44(3)] 

Name of Port                                                                             Code letters

1                                                                                           2

1          Mandvi                                                                          *MNV

2          Kandla                                                                          *KDLL

3          Navlakhi                                                                        *NVL

4          Bedi                                                                              *BDI

5          Okha                                                                            *OKA

6          Porbunder                                                                     *PBR

7          Veraval                                                                          *VRL

8          Bhavnagar                                                                     *BHN

9          Broach                                                                          *BRH

10         Bulsar                                                                           *BLS

11         Umbergaon                                                                    *UMR

12         Thana                                                                           *THN

13         Bombay                                                                        *BOM

14         URAN                                                                           *URN

15         REVDANDA                                                                  *RVD

16         Bankot                                                                          *BKT

17         Dabhol                                                                          *DBL

18         Ratnagiri                                                                        *RTN

19         Jaitapur                                                                          *JPT

20         Malwan                                                                           *MLN

21         KARWAR                                                                       *KWR

22         HONAWAR                                                                   *HNR

23         Conndapur                                                                     *CDR

24         MANGALORE                                                               *MNG

25         Kozhikode                                                                     *KZH

26         Cochin                                                                          *CHN

27         Tuticorin                                                                         *TTN

28         PAMBAN                                                                        *PBN

29         Nagapattinam                                                                *RNGM 

30         Cuddalore                                                                      *CLR

31         MASULIPATNAM                                                           *MST

32         KADINADA                                                                    *KKD

33         MAHUA                                                                         *MHV

34         MORMUGAO                                                                *MGO

35         Lakshdweep                                                                  *UTL

36         CALCUTTA                                                                    *CAL




[ (See rule 2(k), 6(1) & 21) ] 


            1.         The gross tonnage of the vessels shall be first ascertained as follows -- 

                        Method I, when the hold is clear-- 

                        A—For docked vessels.—(1) Measure the length of decked vessels in a straight line along the upper side of the tonnage deck at such a parallel distance from the middle line of the vessel as to clear the several hatchways and other obstacles that may present themselves.  Having fixed upon the ends of this parallel line as for both forward and after as may be found convenient mark them on deck and transfer them on the middle line of the ship from inside of the stem of to the inside of the midship stern timber or plank, as the case may be.  Deduct from this length what is due to the rake of the bow in the thickness of the deck.  Thus required length is obtained. 

                        Where an account of obstruction by hatches, deck-houses, etc. the length cannot be taken in one measurement, them then the same can be taken in parts depending on the number of obstructions and these parts subsequently added together to obtain the length. 

                        Divide the length so obtained into the number of equal parts required as given in table below-- 


(a)        the vessel of which the tonnage deck is according to the above measurements 15 metres long or under into 4 equal posts. 

(b)        the vessels of which the tonnage deck is according to the above measurements about 15 metres long and not exceeding 60 metres into 6 equal parts. 

                        (2)        Depths.—The depth of the midship area is to be taken from the underside of the tonnage deck to the upperside of the floor timber, placing the depth measuring rod parallel to the middle place of the ship and also square to the keel by means of a square placed on the upperside of the keel on the keelson.  The depths at the other areas to be taken in a similar manner, taking care where the keel or keelson curves upwards. 

                        (3)        Breadths.—The depths at any area being ascertained as above directed, and in divided into required number of equal parts, the points of division at which the breadths are to be taken are to be marked on the rod, and the rod being fixed in its original position, the breadths of the areas are to be taken by extending a tape horizontally thwart through each point, from plank to plank to its average thickness between the respective points of measurements or from inside the frame timbers. 

            When a batter or spar ceiling is fixed fitted of a greater thicknes than 75 millimetres, then 75 millimetres is to be regarded as maximum for which allowance is to be made when measuring the horizontal breadths, but when the thickness is less than this, the actual thickness only is to be allowed. 

                        (4)        Transverse areas. - The hold being first sufficiently cleared to admit of the required depths and breadths being properly taken, find in the transverse area of the ship at such point of division the length, the depth is measured at each point of division. In case of a break in the deck, the depth to be measured below or line stretched in continuation thereof. If the depth at the midship division of the length does not exceed 5 metres divide each depth into 4 equal parts and measure the inside horizontal breadths as mentioned in (3) at the five points.  Measure the inside horizontal breadths alongwith the horizontal slide of the measuring rod (Part C) which is to be shifted to the points of divisions. Number these breadths from above i.e. numbering the upper breadth one and so on down to the fifth breadth multiply the second and fourth by four, the third by two add these products together and to the sum add the first breadth and fifth.   Multiply the quantity thus obtained by one third of the common interval of depth between the breadths, and the product shall be deemed the transverse are of the section 

                        (5)        Computation from areas.—Having thus ascertained the Transverse are at each point of division of the length of vessel as required by the table, proceed to ascertain the gross tonnage, under the tonnage deck in the following manner—Number the areas respectively 1, 2, 3 etc. No.1 being the extreme limit, at bow and the last number at the extreme limit of the stern, then multiply the second and every even number area by four and odd number area by two (except the first and last) add these products together and to the sum add the first and last if they have any value, 1 multiply the quantity thus obtained by one third of the common interval of the length between the areas, and the product will be the cubical contents of the space; divide this product by 2.83 and the quotient being the tonnage under the tonnage deck, shall be deemed to be the gross tonnage of the vessel, subject to any additions and or deductions under these rules. 

                        (6)        If there be a break, a poop, or any other permanent close—in space on the upper deck available for cargo or accommodation of a passengers, the tonnage of that space shall be ascertained as follows :-- 

                        Measure the internal mean length of the space and divide it into two equal parts; measure at the middle of its height three inside breadths; such as one at each end and the other at the middle of its length, then to the sum of the end breadths add four times the middle breadths and multiply the whole sum by one third of the common interval between the breadths, the product will give the mean horizontal area of the space; then measure the mean height, and multiply by it the means horizontal area; divide the product by 2.83 and quotient shall be deemed the tonnage of the space. 

                        (7)        Measurement of machinery space—Measure the mean length, breadth and depth of the machinery space multiply together these dimensions and divide the product by 2.83 and the result shall be deemed the tonnage of the machinery space. 

                        B—For undecked vessels.—The tonnage of undecked vessels shall be determined as in the case of a decked vessel, excepting the measurement of the length and depth.  The length of the vessel is to be measured from the meeting of the upper strake to the stem and the stern.  The depth shall be measured from the top edge of the uppermost strake at each division of length in accordance with the table laid down under para 1. 

                        Method II.—When the hold is not clear.—For both decked and open type of vessels.—Multiply the length for tonnage measurement by the "breadth registered" and also "depth registered".  Divide the product by 2.83 and multiply the quotient by 0.7.  The result so obtained will be the tonnage of the vessel.  Under the tonnage deck calculations for other enclosed spaces for the purpose of arriving the gross and net tonnage will be same as in the case of Method I. 

            2.         Net tonnage.—The register or net tonnage of a vessel shall be arrived at after making from the gross tonnage determined in accordance with the provisions of para 1 deductions on account of the following spaces, provided they are reasonable in extent, such as :- 

(1)        Spaces occupied solely by the crew and their personal effects; 

(2)        Spaces occupied by vessel's stores, crew's provisions, fresh water, sails, ropes and tackles and space required for navigation of the vessel ; 

                        (3)        Space for machinery and fittings. 

                        Provided that no deductions shall be made on account of any space, unless it has previously been included in the gross tonnage. 

NOTES.—The tonnage measurement of a vessel shall be entered in Form SVT-1 as shown in Appendix. 

            2.         All measurements for the purpose of ascertaining the tonnage of a vessel shall be in metres and fractions of a metre upto the nearest centimeters.


[See rule 27]

A.         For open type vessels.

                        F=L+15D +17 

B.         For decked Kotias, brigs and dungies,


C.         For decked vessels other than Kotias, Brigs and Dungies.


Where -- 

F=        Free board in centimeters from top to permanent gunwale at side (for open sailing vessels) or top of deck at side amidships to the center of the disc. 

            L=        Length for free board in metres – 0.21K + 0.8LD 

LLK=    Length of straight keel in metres between points where the line of stem and stern (extended downwards if necessary) meet the line of keel. 

LD=      Length of the vessel in metres from forepart of the stem to the after part of the stern post measured at the level of deck on centerline in the case of a decked vessel and in the case of open vessels from where the line of permanent gunwale level, the measurement being taken in a straight line. 

D=        Depth of the vessel amidships in metres from top to keel to the top of free board deck at side in the decked vessels or top of permanent gunwale in open vessels. 

Note-(i)              Where depth "D" exceeds L/6, the difference in actual depth and L/6 will  be added to the free board obtained by the relevant formulae.           

(ii)         The free board referred to above shall be free board in saltwater, the free board in fresh water of unit density shall be less than the free board in salt water by 5 centimetres. 

(iii)        Final free board shall be assigned with the addition of such amount of free board as the assigning authority may determine having regard to the classification, construction, construction, age and other conditions of the vessel. 

(iv)        The hatch coaming in decked vessel shall be at least 45 centimetres high and of substantial construction.  Covers for hatchways openings shall be efficient with means of battening down weathertight. 

                        (v)         Sailing Vessels built prior to 1st January, 1961 and were specially built for carriage of logs having opening in the sides of the sailing vessel closed by temporary structures and having a depth less than L10 may be assigned free board at 1/3 of the free board obtained by formulae (A) provided that the temporary structure having a height of not less than (25D + 30) Cms is constructed efficiently to the satisfaction of the surveying authority.  Where the depth "D" of the vessel is more than L/10 or the height of the temporary structure at side is less than (25D + 30) Cms or is not efficient the free board may be increased.


[See rule 2(d)]


(1)        Pakistan, Gujarat, Bombay and Konkan                     1st June to 31st Aug         Foul
                                                                                          1st Sept. to 31st May        Fair

 (2)        Western India (South of Karwar) and as far                16th May to 15th Sept.     Foul
            west as the line
joining Aden & Berbera                     16th Sept. to 15th May     Fair       

Note:-   The red sea and that portion of the Gulf of Aden which lies westward of the line joining Aden and Berbera shall be deemed to be a region of permanent fair weather. 

(3)        Ceylon (Gulf of Manner)                                          1st Jan. to 15th April         Fair
                                                                                        16th April to 31st Aug.      Foul
                                                                                        1st Sept. to 31st Oct.       Fair
                                                                                        1st Nov.  to 31st Dec.       Foul 

(4)        Palk Bay                                                               1st Jan. to 15th Apr.        Fair
                                                                                        1st Nov. to 31st Dec.       Foul 

(5)        Madras and Andhra Pradesh

            (a) From Nagapattinam to Kakinada                       1st Jan. to 15th Apr.        Fair
                                                                                      15th Apr. to 31st July       Foul
                                                                                      1st Aug.  to 15th Oct.      Fair
                                                                                      16th Oct. to 31st Dec.     Foul 


            (b) From Kakinada to  Gunjame                            16th Apr. to 31st July      Foul
                                                                                     1st Aug. to 15th Oct.       Fair
                                                                                    16th Oct. to 15th Nov.      Foul
                                                                                    16th Nov. to 15th Apr.      Fair

(6)        West Bengal, Orissa, Bangladesh and Arakan     1st Apr. to 15th Aug.        Foul
                                                                                   16th Aug. to 30th Sep.     Fair
                                                                                   1st Oct. to 15th Nov.        Foul
                                                                                   16th Nov. to 31st March    Fair 

(7)        Rest of Burma                                                   1st May to 31st Aug.        Foul
                                                                                   1st Sept. to 30th April      Fair



[See rule 2(j)]


Name of the port                                    Code                 Issuing Authority



            Bedi (Jamnagar)                        BDI                   Regional Officer (Sails)
            Okha                                        OKA                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels
            Porbander                                 PBR                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels
            Veraval                                     VRL                  Registrar of Sailing Vessels
            Jafrabad                                    JFD                  Registrar of Sailing Vessels
            Mandvi                                      MNV                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels


            Calicut                                    CLT                  Regional Officer (Sails)
            Cochin                                    CHN                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels


            Bombay                                 BOM                 Regional Officer (Sails) 


            Mangalore                              MNG                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels
            Karwar                                   KWR                Registrar of Sailing Vessels

Tamil Nadu

            Tuticorin                                 TTN                  Regional Officer (Sails)
            Nagapattinam                         NGM                 Registrar of Sailing Vessels


            Mormugao                              MGO                Registrar of Sailing Vessels


            Lakshadweep                          UTL                  Registrar of Sailing Vessels




[See rule 19(2), 23, 31(4), 38(2), 44(1), 45(1), 48(2), and 57] 

1.(1)      For initial registry                                               --Rs.1 per ton gross 

   (2)     For registry of alternations                                   --Rs. 25 

   (3)     For transfer registry                                             --Rs. 50 

   (4)     For registry of transfer of ownership or interest       --Rs. 50         

    (5)     For registry of mortgage                                      --Rs. 25

   (6)     For change of name of vessel                                --Rs. 25

   (7)     For provisional certificate of registry or extra thereof--Rs. 25     

   (8)     For duplicate or certified copy or for extra copy      --Rs. 25       

    (9)     For duplicate copy of certificate of registry           --Rs. 25       

 2.(1)      For fist measurement for  determining tonnage      

             (i)         For vessels under 50 tons gross             --Rs.100    

            (ii)         For vessels 50 tons gross and  above
                         but under 100 tons gross.                

             (iii)        For vessels 100 tons gross and  above. --Rs.400                    

             (2)        For re-measurement                             --half the above fee 

3.(1)      For assignment of free board                             --Rs.600 

  (2)(a) For grant of an inspection certificate to a sailing vessels  not fitted with engine                       

               (i)       Vessel not exceeding 50 tons gross.    --Rs.50

             (ii)        For vessels 50 tons gross and above
                         but not exceeding
100 tons gross        --Rs.100                   

              (iii)       For vessels of 100 tons gross and  
above but not exceeding 150 tons gross--Rs.150               

               (iv)      For vessels 150 tons gross and above.  --Rs.250                   


   (b) For grant of and inspection certificate of  vessel.    --Rs.250
Fitted with an engine                                      --addition of Rs.50 

  (c)(i)    For inspection of vessels for  the purpose
of rule 31 (1)                                                --Rs.250 

      (ii)   For the purpose of inspection and tests under
             rule 31(2)  

  (d)      For a duplicate copy of inspection certificate --Rs.10 

4.         For issue of identity cards 

            (1)        For issue of fresh identity card    --Rs.25 

            (2)        For issue of a duplicate  identity card  --Rs.20                                                           

            (3)        For renewal of identity card.        --Rs.25 


[See rule 2(F)]


SVR     Form    -           I 

"           "         -           II

"           "         -           III

"           "         -           IV

"           "         -           V

"           "         -           VI

"           "         -           VII

"           "         -           VIII

"           "         -           IX

"           "         -           X

SVT      Form   -           I

SVIC Form       -           I

SVIC     Form   -           II

SVIC     Form   -           III

SVIC     Form   -           IV

Form               -            A

Form               -            B

Form               -            C

Form               -            D

Statement of Crew        SVR Form I 


Application of Registry of a Sailing Vessel 

[See rule 3 (1)] 


                                    The Registrar of the sailing vessels,
                                                Port of ______________________ 


                                    I/We _________________ of ________________- being the owner/s of sailing vessel called the ________________ hereby request that the said vessel be registered in my/our name/s, and a certificate of registry by issued to me/us. 

                        2.         The particulars in respect of the said vessel are as under :- 

                                    (i)         Owner's name and address in full: 

                                    (ii)         Occupation: 

(iii)        Whence, when and how the vessel was secured : 

                        (iv)        Place and year of build :
                                               (With the builder's name and address if any).

(v)         Type of vessel; whether open/semi-decked/fitted with auxiliary engine; 

(vi)        Description and type of engine with the name of manufactures, horse power and speed in full loaded condition:                   

(vii)       Nature of employment Nature of employment ; 

(viii)       Port of registry and official No. if registered previously: 

(ix)        Whether the vessel has any previous mortgages, if so, the particulars thereof. 




Signature or L.T.I of Owner


(By Individuals/Joint Owners/Partnership Firm) 

[See rule 3(2)]


            I/We, the undersigned, hereby declare that I/we am/are citizen(s) of India, residing permanently/having the principal place of business at _______________ and that the sailing vessel called _________________ the particulars of which are given below, was built at _______________ in the year ______________ and/was purchased by me/us for the sum of Rs.___________/was materially altered and rebuilt by me/us was inherited by me/us from ___________ whose name appears in the Register as the owner of the said vessel and who died at _________________ on the ___________ and that I/we am/are the sole owner(s) the said vessel and that no person or persons has or have any interest, either legal or beneficial, right, title, share of property therein or thereto.  And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.


            Official number, date and port of registry______________- registered dimentions length______________ breath______________ depth______________


                        Gross tonnage_____________ Registered tonnage_____ 

                        Cubic metres_______________ cubic metres__________ 



Declared before me at___________ this day __________ of 199


Signature and designation

Seal of office





[See rule 3(2)] 

            I, the undersigned, permanently residing at __________________ and being the duly authorized agent/duty constituted attorney of __________________ Company Limited, hereby declare as follows :-


            The said company was registered under the Companies Act, 1956 on the ____________________ and has its principal place of business at __________________ where all the important business is controlled and managed.  The said Company satisfied the requirements of clause (b) of section 21 of the Act, and is the sole owner of the sailing vessel called _______________ the particulars of which are given below.  The said vessel was built at ________________ in the year ___________  and/purchased by the said company for the sum of Rs._____________/ was materially altered and rebuilt by the said Company. 

            To the best of my knowledge and belief, no person or persons has or have any interest, either legal or beneficial, right, title, share or property in the said vessel.  An I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true 

 Particulars of the vessel 

Official Number, date and port of registry___________ Registered 

Dimensions : Length__________ Breadth_________Depth________ 

Gross Tonnage _______________ Registered Tonnage___________ 

Cubic metres_______________Cubic metres_________________ 

Declared before me at ___________ this day of __________ 199   . 


Signature                                                                                  Signature
Designation                                           For and on behalf of _______ Company Ltd.

Seal of Office

Register of Sailing Vessel 

[See rule 6(1)] 

            Official Number______________ Name of the vessel_______ 

Date and port of Registry_____________________. 

Particular of owner (s)

Name(s) of Owners(s)    Permanent residence of Principal/Occupation-place                Share held by
of business                                                    each





Description of the vessel 

(a)        Type i.e. whether open, decked or semi-decked_________ 

(b)        Build of and material_________________ 

(c)        Hull-whether wooden or composite__________________ 

(d)        Place and year of build___________________ 

(e)        Name and address of Builders_________________ 

(f)         No. of masts_________________ 

(g)        No.of bulkheads___________________ 

(h)        No. of holds___________________ 

(i)         Rigged________________ 


Dimensions and particulars of tonnage 

Registered Dimensions (a) Length___________ (b) Breadth______ 

                                                    (c) Depth________________ 

(a)        Gross Tonnage ____________ (b) Register Tonnage________ 

                                                            cubic metres                 cubic metres 



(a)        Type, make and name of engine (s)__________________ 

(b)        Year of make_________________ 

(c)        Name and address of manufactures__________________ 

(d)        Number and diameter of cylinders__________________ 

(e)        Length of stroke__________________ 

(f)         Brake horse power_________________ 

(g)        R.P.M.__________________ 

(h)        Speed:- (i) Fully loaded________  (ii)Light condition_______ 




                        Fair season                                                       Foul season 

            (a)        Deck crew…………….                            ………………. 

            (b)        Engine crew………….                            ………………..


Particulars of mortgage, sale and other transactions involving transmission of interest by way of death, bankrupt, etc.

Number of transaction      Name of person               Hour and date of registry         Nature and date of
                                      from whom title derived    of mortgage                            of transaction


            1                                    2                             3                                              4





Extent to which interest,        Name address and occupation    Time and date discharge       Remarks
etc, affected by such.            of transferee, mortgagee or          of mortgage, etc.
                                            other persons acquired interest,
                                            title etc.


            5                                  6                                              7                                  8




 Registrar of sailing vessels



 Certificate of Registry of a sailing vessel

[See rule 6(2)] 

            This is to certify that ………………. of ……………. has declared that …………… is/are sole owner(s) of…………….. called …………………… and that the said……………… the particulars of identification been duly registered at the port of ………………… under the Merchant Shipping, Act, 1958 (44 of 1958). 

            CERTIFIED under my hand this the …………….. day of …………. 199  . 


Particulars of the Vessel 

Official No.                                                        Port of registry…………… 

Registered dimensions 




Gross tonnage (Cubic metres) 

Deductions on account of engine room space 

Register tonnage (Cubic meters) 

Registrar of sailing vessels

 Port of ………………………


 Foot Note: 

(i)         This certificate must be produced for inspection on demand by the authorized person. 

(ii)         While the certificate is in force, the vessel's name and other markings must not be removed or defaced. 

(iii)        Should the vessel be lost, broken up or rendered unfit for service this certificate shall be surrendered to the Registrar at the sailing vessel's port of registry. 




[See rule 9(1)] 


                        The Registrar of sailing vessels                       

                        Port of ………………………… 


            I/we, the undersigned…………………..  being the owners of the sailing vessel called…………………. Official Number………………… hereby report that the following alterations have been carried out to the vessel on………… 199  . I/we therefore request that these alterations may kindly be registered and a fresh certificate of registry issued on payment of the prescribed fees. 

            The vessel's existing certificate of registry is returned herewith. 

Signature of Owner(s) 


 Application for transfer of port of registry 

[See rule 10(1)] 


                        The Registrar of the sailing vessels 

                        Port of ………………………………….. 


                        I/we………………………… being the owners of the sailing vessel called …………….. Official No……………… registered at your port hereby request that the registry of the said vessel may be transferred to the Port of ………………….. for the following reasons:- 


                        2.         The said vessel has been mortgaged in favour of …………………… as may be verified from the register maintained by you and the mortgage have no objection to the proposed transfer.   In this connection, his/their letter dated the ………………… agreeing to the transfer of the port of registry to………………. is enclosed in original for your record. 

Yours faithfully, 




[See rule 13(1)] 


            I/we, the undersigned………………….. in consideration of the sum of Rupees…………………… this day lent to me/us by………………….. residing permanently / having my / our principal  place of business at …………….. do hereby for my self/outselves and my/our heirs, executors or administrators covenant with the said ……………….. firstly that I/we and/or my/our heirs, executors, or administrators will, pay to the said………………….. the said sum of Rupees………………. together with interest thereon at the rate of ……………. per cent per annum on the ………………. day of ………….. 199   : and secondly that if the said principal sum is not paid on the said day I/we or my/our heirs, executors, or administrators will during such time as the same or any part thereof remains unpaid, pay to the said……………. interest on the whole or such part thereof as may for the time being remain unpaid, at the rate of ………………  percent per annum by equal half yearly payments on the …………………. day of ………….. and day of……………… in every year, and that for better securing to the said………………………. the payment in manner aforesaid of the said principal sum and interest I/we hereby mortgage to the said …………………………. the sailing vessel called ………………. Official Number……………. port of registry………………… together with all her boats, appurtenance, etc.  Lastly, I/we for myself/ourselves any my/our heirs, executors administrators covenant with the said ………………….. and his / their assigns that I/we have power to mortgage the said vessel in the manner aforesaid and the same is free from encumbrances save as appears by the register of that said vessel. 

            Signed by the above named in my presence. 

Signature (s)




Seal of Office………………… 


 Received the sum of rupees……….. in discharge of the written security.
           Dated ………….. this………….. day of ………. 199     . 

Signature……………………..      Signature(s) of Mortgages(s)


Seal of Office…………………

53 Transport………………….



(To be executed by a Company/Cooperative Society)

[See rule 13(1)]


            We, the…………………. company, Limited/Co-operative Society, having our principal place of business at ………………………. in consideration of the sum of rupees……………… this day lent to us by…………………. residing permanently/having their principal place of business at ………………… do hereby for ourselves and our successors convenant with the said………………….. and his/their/its assigns firstly that we/our successors will pay to the said…………….. or its/their assigns the said sum or rupees………….. together with interest thereon at the rate of …………….. per cent per annum on the …………….. day of …………….. 199  ; Secondly that if the said principal sum is not paid on the same day, we or our successors will, during such time as the same or any part thereof remains unpaid to the said…………….. interest on the whole or such part thereof as may for the time being remain unpaid, at the rate of …………. per cent per annum by equal half yearly payments on the …………………. day of…………. and day………… day of…………… in every year; and that for better securing to the said…………………. the payment in the manner aforesaid of the said principal sum and interest, we hereby mortgage to the said………………. the sailing vessel called……………… official number……………. port of registry…………….. together with all her boats and other appurtenances, etc. Lastly we for ourselves and our successors convenant with the said………. and their/its assign that we have power to mortgage the said vessel together with all her boats and appurtenances, etc. and that the same is free from encumbrances same as appear by the register of the said vessel. 

In witness whereof we have subscribed our name(s) and common seal this………………. day of……………….

One Thousand Nine Hundred and………………… 

Signed by the above-named in my presence 


For and on behalf of ………………

Company Ltd./Society 



Seal of Office………………… 

Company's seal


Society's seal


            Received the sum of rupees…………….. in discharge of the within mentioned security.  Dated this………………. day of …………….. 199  . 

Signature of Mortgagee (s) 



Seal of Office…………………



[See rule 16(1)] 

            This is to certify that the sailing vessel…………. Official No…………… of ………….. Tons……………. belonging …………………. is hereby permitted to ply pending issue of Certificate of registry. 

            The provisional certificates shall remain in force for a period of three months or until the vessel is granted a certificate of registry whichever is earlier. 

Port of ………………….


Registrar of sailing vessels


(See Note under Schedule II




To be used for calculating the sailing vessel's tonnage under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958)


Name of vessel   Name and address    Date and    Official No. and Port      New or re-   Sail or     Mechani-
of owner                   place of      of Registry of                assured            cally propelled
build          Nationality                                      


  1                      2                      3                      4                      5                      6



Area 1               Area 2               Area 3               Area 4               Area 5               Area 6



Ccm.         Int.
bet.            oths.


No.    Multipliers    Bths    Products    Bths    Products    Bths    Products    Bths    Products

1         1

2         4

3         2

4         4

5         1



 Wood composite            Type of  bottom              Intended Service Registered dimension
iron or steel                     framing         
cargo fishing    Length      Breadth     Depth


    7                     8                      9                     10                     11                      12

Area 7                                       Cubic content and underdeck tonnage
                                                                                                      Length of Tonnage Deck

                                                Ccm.                Int.
                                                bet.                   areas.


Bths    Products    Bths    Products     Bths    Products     No.of     Multi-    Areas    Product                                                                                                        areas     pliers          


                                                                                                          1       1


                                                                                                         2          4


                                                                                                         3          2


                                                                                                         4          4


                                                                                                          5          1



 All measurements to be in metres in fraction of metre 


Break and Erections e.g. poop etc.                                      Particulars of Tonnage
Mean Length (1)………………. &                                         TONS
Breadths,b………….;  b………..b;              Machinery Spaces    Under Deck
              1                 2           3               Mean Length(1)……   Forecastle   
                                                              Mean Breadth(b)…..  

Mean depth (d)                                         Mean Depth(d)…..           Bridge
Horizontal area (a):-                                  Tonnage…..1xbxd            Break
                                                                                 2.83              Poop

            1/3 (1b+b+b)

                        1  2  3
                            2                                                                         -------cubic Metres           

            Tonnage = a x d                                                        Allowance for      
                -----------                                                                Machinery space and   
                 2.83                                                                    Fittings     

                              Allowance for
                                     -----Crew Space-----
                                     Under Para 2(2)-------
                                     ---Register Tonnage---
                                 Where measured:---       
                           Date of Measurement------

Signature of Registrar of sailing vessels/Surveyor
Checked by ----------------


N.B.      -           The measurements to be entered in columns –(10 to (12) :- 

Col.(10)-            Length registered, that is, the length from foreside of stem at extreme top to the afterside of the rudder of stem posts ; 

Col.(11)-            Breadth registered, that is, the maximum,  breath of the vessel measured horizontally the ward to the outside of hull planking but disregarding rubbing strakes for permanent renders; 

Col.(12)-            Depth registered, that is, depth as stated in clause (c) of rule 2 measured at half length registered.





(See rule 23)


Issued by the
Govt. of India


            The Registrar at the port of……………………..


            I hereby apply for an inspection certificate for the vessel described below.  The necessary fee of Rs………… is enclosed.            

            Date this…………… day of……….. 199 

Yours faithfully,


Owner or Tindal



Name and         Description                    Tonnage            When and             Whether fitted
Number of         of vessel                  ______________      where built              with auxiliary           
                                                         Gross     Net                                       engine or not


            1            2                                3          4                       5                      6






 Usual Employment       Name and        Nature of         Date of        Place of
of vessel                       Address of       Inspection       proposed     Inspection
                                                         of owner           inspection


            1                           2                      3                   4                      5








[See rule 33(1)]


Issued by the
Govt. of India 


            The Owner/Tindal of sailing vessel……………………………
            No…………………….. of the port of………………..


            I have inspected the above vessel in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1996, the following repairs are required to make good the defects:-






 Yours faithfully




[see rule 34(1)] 


 Issued by the
Govt. of India


Name and description of     Port of Registry and       Tonnage        Name & Address of owner
vessel                               Number                ----------------------------
                                                                    Gross               Net


            1.         That the above mentioned vessel has been duly inspected in accordance with the provision of the Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1996. 

II.          That the Life Saving Appliances provide for a total number of ………………. persons, viz :-

…………………….. life-boats 'boats capable of supporting………….. persons. 


…………………….. buoyant apparata capable of supporting……………. persons. 

                        …………………. life jackets;
                        ………………….life buoys. 

            III.         That the inspection showed that the vessel's hull, rigging, fire appliances and other equipment are in good condition and that she is provided with navigation lights and shapes, and means of making sound signals and distress signals in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations for the Prevention of Collissions at sea. 

            IV.        That the auxillary engines have been inspected and found to be in working/not working order. 

(The complete inspection is due on or before the……..199  .) 


*strike out inapplicable words 


free board@                                Maximum Number of crew and Passenger
                                                  Crew                                         Passenger






Make        Description        B.H.P.              Nature of fuel used



                                                                        Usual trading limits : 

Restriction on trading limits if any, and terms and conditions thereof : (State also whether trading should be restricted or not to fair reason) 

Name of Tindal : 


                                                            Registrar of Sailing Vessels 



this Columns shall be left blank, if the vessel has been issued with a load line certificate under section 316 of Act.    

Form No. SVIC IV
Half-yearly return of certificate of inspection of sailing vessels 

                                                                                    Port of………………….
                                                                                    (See rule 41) 

Issued by the
Govt. of India

Name of sailing       Port of registry            Tonnage           Whether fitted with       Usual trading limits
vessel                    Number                _________________ auxillary engine    
                                                         Gross               Net      

    1                     2                     3                                4                     5                      6





Restrictions on trading       Date of issue of      Date on which com-  Date of Expiry of   No. of passengers
limits if any, and terms,      certificate of inspec- plete inspection of   certificate of insp- if any, certified to be
conditions thereof               tion                       engine is due            tion                     varried


            7                                  8                         9                         10                      11







            Director General of Shipping,


 Registrar of sailing vessels



[See rule 44(1)] 



            The Issuing Authority,
            Port of ……………….. 

            I, the undersigned hereby apply for a permit/identity card as a certificate of identity as a Tindal/Member of the crew on a sailing vessel in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1996. 


1.         Full Name in BLOCK LETTERS and Present Address
2.         Age and date of birth                              Age                  Date of birth
3.         Place of birth                                         District 
4.         Permanent address                                State
5.         Father's name and address                    Name

6.     Nationality
7.     Religion
8.     Height
9.     Complexion
10.   Colour of hair

11.   Marks of identification
12.   Full name, relationship and address of next of kin                  Name