Maritime Labour
Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour) Rules, 2016
Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour) Amendment Rules, 2021
ISPS Rules
Merchant Shipping (Ships and Port Facility Security) Rules, 2024
Designated Authority
Control of Anti - fouling System |
Merchant Shipping (Control of Anti-fouling System) Rules, 2016 |
Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims |
Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) Rules, 2015.
Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) Rule. 2017
Apprenticeship to sea-service Rules
Merchant Shipping (Apprenticeship To Sea-Service) Rules, 1960
Merchant Shipping (Apprenticeship To Sea-Service) Second Amendment Rules, 1963
Merchant Shipping (Apprenticeship To Sea-Service) Amendment Rules, 1973
Merchant Shipping (Apprenticeship To Sea-Service) Amendment Rules, 1975
Cancellation or Suspension of Certificate of Competency Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Cancellation or Suspension of Certificate of Competency) Rules, 2003
Cargo ship Construction & Survey Rules |
Merchant Shipping Cargo ship Construction & Survey Rules, 1991
Carriage of Cargo Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargo) Rules, 1995
Carriage of Livestock Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Condition for carriage of Livestocks) Rules,2020 |
Merchant Shipping Notification dated 17.07.2020 for application of Merchant Shipping (Condition for carriage of Livestocks) Rules,2020 to sailing vessels |
Carriage of Medical Officer Rules |
Merchant Shipping. (Carriage Of Medical Officer) Rule, 1961
Certificate of Competency Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency) Rules, 1989
Certificate of Service Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Certificate of Service) Rules, 1970
Construction & Survey of Passenger Ship Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Construction and Survey of Passenger Ships Rules, 1981
CDC Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Continues Discharge Certificate) Rules, 2017
Merchant Shipping (Seafarers Bio-metric Identity Document) Rules, 2016
Merchant Shipping (Continues Discharge Certificate-cum-Seafarers Identity Document) Rules, 2001
Merchant Shipping (Continues Discharge Certificate-cum-Seafarers Identity Document) Amendment Rules, 2002
Crew Accommodation Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Rules, 1960
Merchant Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Amendment Rules, 1984
Merchant Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Amendment Rules, 1993
Merchant Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Amendment Rules, 1999
Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Accomodation) Rules, 2016
Distress Seamens Rules |
Merchant Shipping Distressed Seamens Rules,1960
Distress Messages and Navigational Warnings |
Merchant Shipping (Distressed Messages and Navigational Warnings) Rules, 1964
Distress and Safety Radio Communication |
Merchant Shipping (Distressed and Safety Radio Communication) Rules, 1995
Examination Rules |
Merchant Shipping Exam of Dredged Driver-Engineer
Merchant Shipping Examination of Dredged Masters & Dredged Mates, Rule 1985
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engineers & Engine Drivers of Fishing Vessels), Rules 1973
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engineers & Engine Drivers of Fishing Vessels), Amendment Rules 1975
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engineers & Engine Drivers of Fishing Vessels), Amendment Rules 1976
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engineers & Engine Drivers of Fishing Vessels), Amendment Rules 1991
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engine Drivers of sea going ships), Rules 1973
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Engine Drivers of sea going ships), Amendment Rules 1991
Merchant Shipping (Examination Of Engine Drivers of sea going ships), Amendment Rules 1992
Merchant Shipping (Examination Of Engineer Officers in the Merchant Navy) Rules, 1989
Merchant Shipping (Examination Of Engineer Officers in the Merchant Navy) Rules, 1994
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Masters and Mates) Rules, 1985
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Masters and Mates) Rules, 1985 -corrigenda dated 28.6.88
Merchant Shipping (Examination of Masters and Mates) Amendment Rules, 1990
Merchant Shipping Exam of Skipper & Mates of Fishing Rules
Fees |
Merchant Shipping Fees For LoadLines Surveys, 1979
Fire Appliances |
Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances) Rule, 1990
Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances) Amendment Rule, 1994
Forms |
Merchant Shipping (Form of Certificate of Insurance for civil liability for oil pollution damage) Rules, 1985
Merchant Shipping (Form of Certificate of Insurance for civil liability for oil pollution damage) Amendment Rules, 1990
Merchant Shipping (Form of particulars of Certificate and Employment) Rules, 1980
Merchant Shipping (Form of Passenger Ship Survey) Rules, 1992
Merchant Shipping (Form of License) Rules, 1960
Merchant Shipping (Shipping Office Forms), Rules 1963
Merchant Shipping (Shipping Office Forms), Rules 1973
Inland Vessels Act |
The Inland Vessels Acts, 1917
Levy of Oil Pollution Cess Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Levy of Oil Pollution Cess) Rules, 1988
Life Saving Appliances Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances) Rules, 1991
Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances) Rules, 1995
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) |
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) Rules,1963
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) Amendment Rules,1970
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) Amendment Rules,1973(draft rules)
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) Amendment Rules,1973
Lifeboatmans (Qualifications & Certificates) Amendment Rules,1974
Load Line Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Rules, 1979
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) First Amendment Rules, 1982
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Amendment Rules, 1989
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Rules, 1979-Notification dated 10.11.1995
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Rules, 1979-Notification dated 7.11.1997
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Amendment Rules, 2001
Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Amendment Rules, 2001-Corrigendum dated 10.1.2002
Manned Lightships |
Agreement concerning manned lightships not on their stations, 1930
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2002 [No. 63 OF 2002]
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2003
Management for Safe Operation of Ships Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) Rules, 2000
Merchant Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) Amendment Rules, 2002
Merchant Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) Amendment Rules, 2003
Merchant Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) Amendment Rules, 2014
Merchant Shipping Act |
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2002
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2003
Medical Examination Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Rules, 2000
Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Amendment Rules, 2016
Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) TT Rules, 1986
Medicines, Medical Stores and Appliances Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Medicines, Medical Stores and Appliances) Rules, 1994
Muster Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Muster) Rules, 1968
Act / Rules relating to Multimodal Transportation |
The Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 [ as amended in the year 2000]
The Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act, 1993 (as amended in December, 2000)
The Registration of Multimodal Transport Operators Rules, 1992 & MTD Rules, 1994
National Shipping Board |
The National Shipping Board Rules, 1960
The National Shipping Board Amendment Rules, 1991
National Welfare Board |
The National Welfare Board for Seafarers Rules, 1963
The National Welfare Board for Seafarers Rules, 1963 - Notification dated 04.11.1993
The National Welfare Board for Seafarers Rules, 1963 - Notification dated 20.10.1994
The National Welfare Board for Seafarers Rules, 1963 - Notification dated 21.10.1998
Payment of Expenses to Witness Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Payment of expenses to Witness) Rules, 1986
Pilgrim ship Rules |
Indian Pilgrim ship Rules, 1933
Pilot Ladder Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Pilot Ladder) Rule, 1967
Prevention of Collisions at Sea Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Rule, 1975
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Rule, 1975-Corrigenda
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Amendment Regulations, 1986
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Amendment Regulations, 1990
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Amendment Regulations, 1990-Corrigendum
Radio Direction Finders |
Merchant Shipping (Radio Direction Finders) Rules, 1968
Merchant Shipping (Radio Direction Finders) Rules, 1968-Corrigendum Dated 21.09.1068
Radio Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Radio)) Rules, 1983
Merchant Shipping (Radio)) Rules, 1983-Corrigendum Dated 04.12.1989
Merchant Shipping (Radio)) Amendment Rules, 1992
Rates Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Rates)) Rules, 1977
Recruitment and placement of Seafarers Rules, 2005 |
Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Rules, 2016 - Superceding 2005 Rules.
Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Amendment Rules, 2005
Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Rules, 2005
Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Rules, 2006
Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Amendment Rules, 2022
Rules relating to Fishing Vessels |
The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Indian Fishing Boats), Rules, 1988.
Merchant Shipping (Indian Fishing Boats Inspection) Rules, 1988
Notification dated 02/09/2020 on Registerar of Fishing Vessels in different States/UTs.
General Order dated 02/09/2020 delegation of power under sec 9(1) of MS Act, 1958 to State Govt/UTs
Rules relating to Sailing Vessels |
Merchant Shipping Notification dated 17.07.2020 for application of Merchant Shipping (Condition for carriage of Livestocks) Rules,2020 to sailing vessels |
Merchant Shipping (Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1997
Registration of Indian Ships |
Merchant Shipping (Registration of Indian Ships) Rules, 1960
Merchant Shipping (Registration of Indian Ships) Rules, 1994
Merchant Shipping (Registration of Indian Ships) Rules, 1997
MOS Circular No. SD-11018/1/97-MD dated 15th June, 2001 - Guidelines for import of all types of ships
MOS Circular No. SD-11018/1/97-MD dated 5th March, 2002 - - Guidelines for import of all types of ships
Guidelines on Registration of Indian Ship in accordance withPara 1.2 of Office Memorandum No. SD-11018/1/97-MD dated 5th march, 2002
DG Shipping Order No. 2 of 2002 Revised guidelines for registration of ships etc.
SD Branch Letter No. SD-13/POL(5)/2001 dated 28.6.2002 - Guidelines for registration of ships etc.
MMD Letter dated 4.6.02 - Guidelines for registration of ships etc.
Seamens Employment Office Rules |
Merchant Shipping Seamens Employment Offices Rules,1986
Seamens - Levy of Fees |
The Merchant Shipping (Seamens Levy of fees) Rules, 1974
The Merchant Shipping (Seamens Levy of fees) Amendment Rules, 1982
The Merchant Shipping (Levy of Seamen's Welfare Fee) (Amendment) Rules, 2015
The Merchant Shipping (Levy of Seamen's Welfare Fee) (Amendment) Rules, 2017
Seamens Provident Fund Act |
The Seamens Provident Fund Act, 1966
The Seamens Provident Fund Scheme, 1966
Seamen - Supply of Articles for Personal Use |
The Seamen (Supply of Articles for Personal use) Rules, 1966
The Seamen (Supply of Articles for Personal use) Amendment Rules, 1976
The Seamen (Supply of Articles for Personal use) Amendment Rules, 1978
The Seamen (Supply of Articles for Personal use) Amendment Rules, 1988
Safety Convention Certificates |
Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates) Rules, 1968
Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates) Rules, 1978
Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates) Rules, 1988
Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention Certificates) Rules, 1995
Safety of Navigation Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Rules, 1997
STCW Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Rules, 1998
Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Rules, 2014
Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Rules, 2019
Tonnage Measurement of Ships Rules |
Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement of Ships) Rules, 1987
Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement of Ships) Rules, 1991
Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement of Ships) Rules, 1992
Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement of Ships) Rules, 1995
The Merchant Shipping (Wrecks and Salvage) Rules, 1984 |
Merchant Shipping (Wrecks and Salvage) Rules, 1974
Merchant Shipping (Wrecks and Salvage) Amendment Rules, 1975
Appointment of receiver of wrecks under Section 391 of the MS Act, 1958, published in the Gazette of India vide S.O. 112 (E) dated 07.01.13 published on 16.01.14.
The Merchant Shipping Rules, 2010 |
Framing of Merchant Shipping (control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substance in Bulk) Rules, 2010. (MARPOL -Annex II)
Framing of Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances carried by Sea in Packaged Form) Rules, 2010. (Annex-III)
Framing of Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships) Rules, 2010. (Annex-IV)
Framing of Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Shipa) Rules, 2010. (Annex-V)
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Oil from Ships) Rules, 2010
The Merchant Shipping Rules, 2008 |
Framing of Merchant Shipping (Civil Lability for Oil Pollution Damage) Rules, 2008
Framing of Merchant Shipping (International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage) ) Rules, 2008
The Merchant Shipping Rules, 2012 |
Regulations of Entry of Ships into Ports, Anchorages and Offshore facilities) Rules, 2012. |