DGS Circulars   (Click here to view All)

Branch Name : Examination Assessment and Certification-Engineering
Notice No. of Year Title Issued Date
144 of 2018 Alternate to Refresher and Updating course for Upgrading of Certificate of Competency (CoC) of Marine Engineer Officers issued under STCW 78 as amended (For Upgradation from STCW 1978 / STCW 1995 to STCW 2010). 26/04/2018
143 of 2018 Refresher and Updating course for Revalidation of Certificate of Competency of Marine Engineer Officers issued under STCW 78 as amended (2010 Manila Amendments). 26/03/2018
7 of 2018 Qualifying Sea-Service requirement to be eligible for appearing in Competency examination 14/12/2018
4 of 2018 Qualifying Sea service to be eligible for appearing in MEO Class IV Examination (candidates performing sea service during day or night time on harbour crafts/tugs operating in Indian ports) 09/08/2018
1 of 2018 Special Training Requirements for Personnel on Tankers 22/06/2018
Corrigedum II to Engineer Circular no.125 of 2014 (Requirements to complete Extra First Class Part A Course before enrolling in Part B) 22/01/2018
Corrigendum to Training Circular No.10 of 2014 - Issuance of Certificate in accordance with Merchant Shipping (STCW) Rules, 2014 and as per Chapter VI of the STCW Convention as amended in 1978. 01/03/2018
142 of 2017 Procedure for online application for issuance of Certificate of Competency (CoC) for MEO Class – IV 23/10/2017
141 of 2017 High Voltage Training course not Mandatory for Certificate of Competency Examination / revalidation by Engineer Officers and Electro Technical Officers 18/10/2017
140 of 2017 Re-evaluation of written and oral examinations of Nautical and Engineering grade examinations 28/08/2017
139 of 2017 Procedure for online application for Revalidation of all Engineering grade Certificate of Competency (CoC) 31/07/2017
138 of 2017 Assessment of MEO Class - I and MEO Class - II Preparatory Courses. 02/05/2017
137 of 2017 Forwarding of MEO Class - I and MEO Class - II results. 02/05/2017
136 of 2017 Conducting Engineering Grade Examinations at MMD Noida 01/03/2017
135 of 2017 Procedure for online application for issuance of Certificate of Competency (CoC) for MEO Class-I and MEO Class-II. 14/02/2017
134 of 2017 Corrigendum - Mandatory requirement for submission of successful completion of training course on High Voltage system for Certificate of Competency examination / revalidation by engineer officers and electro technical officers. 09/02/2017
134 of 2017 Mandatory requirement for submission of successful completion of training course on High Voltage system for Certificate of Competency examination/revalidation by engineer officers and electro-technical officers. 17/01/2017
134 of 2017 Corrigendum 2 - Mandatory requirement for submission of successful completion of training course on High Voltage system for Certificate of Competency examination/revalidation by engineer officers and electro technical officers. 05/05/2017
3 of 2017 Engagement of Indians holding Certificate of Competency (CoC)issued under STCW Regulation II/2 and III/2 from Australia, Singapore, Ireland and New Zealand, in addition to UK, to sail on Indian flag vessels. 13/10/2017
131 of 2015 Training and Examination requirements for existing Electrical Officers for certification under the STCW Convention as Electro Technical Officers-reg (Included in TEAP A Section III/14) 31/12/2015
130 of 2015 Revised Procedure for Issuance of Certificate of Competency (CoC) for Engineers 26/08/2015
129 of 2015 Electrical officer not in possession of 12 months sea-service prior to 01.01.2012 - Eligible for admission into the four months Pre-Sea Electro Technical Officers Course. (Included in TEAP A Section III/14) 02/06/2015
128 of 2015 Procedures for empanelment of Internal Examiners for oral assessment. 02/02/2015
127 of 2015 Instructions to Examiners 30/01/2015
Conduct of Extra First Class (Part-A) CoC Examinations. 12/06/2015
Assessment of sea service for issuance of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) for Rating (Rating Forming Part of Engine Room Watch and Able Seafarer Engine) 31/12/2015
126 of 2014 Electro-technical officers Competency examinations (Included in TEAP A Section III/14) 30/10/2014
125 of 2014 Partial modification of Instructions to Examiners Circular No. 120 dated 02.04.2012 17/11/2014
125 of 2014 Extra First Class Engineer Certification - reg. 15/09/2014
125 of 2014 Extra First Class Engineer Certification - reg. (Already included in TEAP A/B) 19/08/2014
124 of 2014 Procedure leading to approval/empanelment as Internal Examiners for oral Assessment. (Superseded by Engineer Circular 128 of 2015) 28/05/2014
123 of 2014 Requirement of passing the MEO CL IV (Part A) prior to undergoing mandatory 6 months sea-service as a Trainee Marine Engineer. (Included in latest TEAP A Section III/1-3) 25/04/2014
122 of 2014 Revised Procedure for issuance of COC 29/01/2014
4 of 2014 Issuance of Certificate of Endorsement as per STCW Reg. I/10. 23/04/2014
Addendum to Engineering Circular No. 04 of 2014. 02/06/2014
121 of 2013 MEO Class IV e-Pariksha Results. 10/06/2013
118 of 2013 Discontinuance of mandatory requirement of EXN 45 document at the time of commencement of on-board training for Certification as Officers-in-charge of an Engineering Watch (OICEW) 25/11/2011
116 of 2013 Revised Procedures for approval of external examiners 30/08/2011
109 of 2013 Clarifications regarding qualifying sea service requirements for NCV Certification of candidates for examination and revalidation purposes. (Refer TEAP A, Flow Diagrams III/11-5 & 11-6) 23/12/2008
108 of 2013 Endorsement on MEO Class II Certificate of Competency to serve as Chief Engineer Officer on vessels < 3000 kW power. (Included in TEAP A, Section III/6) 01/10/2008
107 of 2013 nstructions to send the results in the New "Exn-37 BC" (Orals) forms. 21/01/2008
94 of 2013 Procedure for evaluation of performance of external examiners associated with correction of written papers 01/09/2005
70 of 2013 Issuance of Hardcover 29/07/2004
63 of 2013 Instructions to send the results in the new format in -Result Sheet, EXN-37BC etc. 11/05/2004
55 of 2013 Delay in examination process and in the issue of COC 20/11/2003
54 of 2013 Period review of external examiner 06/11/2003
37 of 2013 Placement of Marine Engineers as Trainees 30/09/2004
37 of 2013 Corrigendum to Eng circular No. 37 19/10/2004
13 of 2013 Simplified procedure for issuance of Certificate (endorsement) for service on Tankers to Masters & Officers 17/01/2013
9 of 2013 Issuance of Certificate of Competency by Speed Post / Courier Service-reg 30/08/2010
8 of 2013 Certification of ratings forming part of a navigational / engineering watch. (Included in TEAP A, Section III/12) 12/06/2009
5 of 2013 Certification of ratings forming part of a navigational / engineering watch (Included in TEAP A, Section III/12) 20/03/2007
2 of 2013 Issue of Certificate (Endorsement) for Service on Tankers 01/09/2005
Procedure leading to approval/implementation of internal examiners for Oral Assessment
Addendum to NT/ENGG Circular No. 12 of 2012 - Facilitation centres 1. Issuance of Watch Keeping Certificates (WKC) and Tanker Endorsements (TE) to ratings 2. Issuance of Tanker Endorsements (TE) to Petty Officers 3. Issuance of Tanker Endorsement (TE) to Deck Cadets and Trainee Marine Engineers 16/04/2013
Procedure for Empanelment as External Examiners for Examination. 31/12/2013
120 of 2012 Approving and deploying examiners for the conduct of oral and written examinations for engineers, at the assessment centres for conducting all grades of examinations upto and including the MEO CLASS II(M) or (S) . 02/04/2012
119 of 2012 Applicability of oral examination pertaining to Marine Engineer Officer Examination 02/04/2012
12 of 2012 Facilitation Centres 1. Issuance of Watch Keeping Certificates (WKC) and Tanker Endorsements (TE) to ratings 2. Issuance of Tanker Endorsements (TE) to Petty Officers 3. Issuance of Tanker Endorsements (TE) to Deck Cadets and Trainee Marine Engineers 28/12/2012
11 of 2012 Submission of application form of candidates by the Ship Owning companies who are managing their own ships to appear for the Marine Engineer Officer (Class IV) and Second Mate (foreign going) examination 10/05/2012
105 of 2006 Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (Obsolete) 05/01/2006
104 of 2006 Result format 09/06/2006
103 of 2006 Issuance of EXN -45 (Obsolete) 09/05/2006
102 of 2006 Clarification with respect to nature of duties for eligibility to appear for Marine Engineer Officer Class II (Second Engineer Officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power or more) 09/05/2006
101 of 2006 Issuance of Certificate of Competency and other certificates to the representative's of INSA, FOSMA and MASSA 21/03/2006
99 of 2006 Progression from MEO Class IV to MEO Class I l level of Certificate (Requirement of Sea service for MEO Class II Part A) (Included in TEAP A & B Sec. III) 09/03/2006
4 of 2006 Verification of documents of seafarers 16/06/2006
Examination for Steam/Motor (Endorsement) / Combined (Steam & Motor), Certificate of Competency (Included in TEAP A, Section 16, clause 5.4) 09/03/2006
98 of 2005 Issuance of EXN-45 29/11/2005
97 of 2005 Revalidation and up gradation of certificates (Included in TEAP A, App 1) 29/11/2005
96 of 2005 Rotation Number 29/11/2005
95 of 2005 Application for revalidation for Certificate of Competency 05/09/2005
93 of 2005 Examination system for commissioned Engineer Officers of Indian Navy 29/08/2005
93 of 2005 Examination system for commissioned Engineer Officers of Indian Navy (Included in TEAP A, Section 16, Clause 14) 29/08/2005
92 of 2005 Examinations on Marine Electro Technology and Ship Construction and Stability Function 5 and 6 for MEO Class IV Candidates 19/07/2005
92 of 2005 Corrigendum to Circular No. 092 Dated 19.07.2005 29/07/2005
91 of 2005 Issue of Hard Cover 15/07/2005
90 of 2005 Indian Maritime Legislation Course For Management Level Officers Holding Certificate of Competency From UK (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16 clause 20) 02/06/2005
89 of 2005 Qualifying sea service for MEO Class IV (operational level) C.O.C. on ships playing in near coastal voyages including coastal vessel & OSV's 18/05/2005
88 of 2005 Assessment of Sea Service on Dredgers for qualifying sea-service / revalidation (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Table 16-3, Para 5.6.) 18/05/2005
87 of 2005 Eligibility for appearing in NCV Class IV Oral Examination (Obsolete) 03/05/2005
86 of 2005 Re-evaluation of results Chief Examiner of Engineer for further necessary action. (Refer Rule 77 of M.S. STCW rules as amended, Out dated) 23/02/2005
85 of 2005 Qualifying Sea service for MEO Class IV (operational level) C.O.C. on ships plying in near coastal voyages including coastal vessel and OSV's (Superseded by EAC circular no. 89 of 2005 ) 11/02/2005
84 of 2005 Issuance of Hard Cover -MEO Class I 25/01/2005
83 of 2005 Progression from MEO Class IV to MEO Class II 25/01/2005
54 of 2005 Mentoring and Membership 06/07/2005
1 of 2005 Tanker Endorsement to Pump-man, Deck and Engine fitter and Saloon Rating 06/04/2005
81 of 2004 TAR Book Entries (Covered in TEAP A, Section III/16, clause 6) 20/12/2004
80 of 2004 Reg. sea service for conversion to NCV 01/11/2004
79 of 2004 Issuance of COCs (NCV) grades 25/10/2004
78 of 2004 Reg. candidate with a naval background wishing to appear for MEO Class IV Part A Examination 20/10/2004
77 of 2004 Assessment of Sea Service on Offshore Supply Vessel and Dredgers -Clarification (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Table III/16-3) 04/10/2004
76 of 2004 Qualifying Sea Service for Steam/Motor Endorsement (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Clause 5.4) 11/11/2004
76 of 2004 Qualifying Sea Service for Steam/Motor Endorsement (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Clause 5.4) 04/10/2004
75 of 2004 Instructions to send the results in the new format in -Result Sheet 13/09/2004
74 of 2004 Exemption provision for Appearing in MEO Class I Examination (Obsolete) 12/08/2004
73 of 2004 revalidation of CoC 10/08/2004
72 of 2004 Code of Ethics for Examiner of Engineers 04/08/2004
71 of 2004 Conduct of Oral Exams 03/08/2004
71 of 2004 Corrigendum to Instructions to Examiner No. 071 13/08/2004
69 of 2004 Written exam for MEO Class IV (NCV) (Included in TEAP A, Flow Diagram III/11-5 & 11-6) 15/07/2004
68 of 2004 Reg. oral examination 14/07/2004
67 of 2004 Declaration of results 14/07/2004
66 of 2004 Modification to Eng Instruction 63 28/06/2004
65 of 2004 Exemption provision for Appearing in MEO Class I Examination (Superseded by EAC circular no. 74 of 2004) 15/06/2004
64 of 2004 Partial modification of Circular No. 61 -Upgradation and revalidation of Class IV -Part A (Superseded by EAC circular 105 of 2006) 25/05/2004
62 of 2004 Exemption from Class II to Class I (Obsolete) 19/04/2004
61 of 2004 Upgradation and revalidation of Class IV -Part A 11/03/2004
60 of 2004 Conversion to SGED/FV (E)/FVED(M) to NCV Grade 09/03/2004
59 of 2004 Intake capacity of the examination hall 09/03/2004
58 of 2004 Instructions to examiners regarding use of unfair means during the MEO Examination 29/01/2004
57 of 2004 U.K. endorsement of COC issued by MCA U.K. ( Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Cl.20 ) 21/01/2004
56 of 2004 TAR Book 06/01/2004
42 of 2004 Rules relating to Watch-keeping Certificate for Fitters (Included in TEAP A, Section III/12) 12/04/2002
24 of 2004 Verification of the Certificate of Competency (CoC) 16/03/2004
49 of 2002 Procedure leading to approval/implement of Internal Examiners for oral assessment (cor. Circular No.46) 03/12/2002
47 of 2002 Instructions to examiners for keeping answer sheets in stored placed for a period of 6 months 27/11/2002
46 of 2002 Procedure leading to approval/implementation of internal examiners for Oral Assessment 24/05/2002
45 of 2002 Subsequent circular No.43 dated 1.5.2002 reg. sea service for conversion to NCV (Included in TEAP A , Table III/16-3) 29/07/2002
44 of 2002 Instructions for the candidates who have not completed their sea service as per STCW requirement and META Manual Vol.II and Sea Rule 1989 29/07/2002
44 of 2002 Instructions for the candidates who have not completed their sea service as per STCW requirement and META Manual Vol.II and Sea Rule 1989 (Superseded by 44A of 2003) 29/07/2002
43 of 2002 Flow Chart No.1, for conversion of SGED Existing Certificate holder to NCV Grade (Included in TEAP A, Table III/16-2) 15/04/2002
41 of 2002 Instructions to send the results in the new format in Form-1, Form-2, Form-3 and EXN-37BC etc. 13/03/2002
40 of 2002 Issue of Soft Cover (Cancellation of COC (Hard Cover) 21/03/2002
39 of 2002 Instructions for apprentices who have completed their initial workshop training and grant exemption from subjects of MEO Class IV Part A 05/03/2002
38 of 2001 Instructions to the candidate served on lower power vessels for considering sea service for revalidation 18/10/2001
37 of 2001 Instructions appearing for NCV examination with an approval of TAR Book for their sea service 18/10/2001
35 of 2001 Up gradation and re-validation of Indian Navy, candidates holding COC (Included in TEAP A, Section III/16, Cl. 14) 04/09/2001
34 of 2001 Instructions for EXN-3 no original except EXN-45 should be retained 03/09/2001
33 of 2001 Examination system changed over from the Old (1989) to the new (1998 Examination Rules) and subsequent circular No. 11 of 1998, 6 of 2000 and 3 of 2001) 03/09/2001
32 of 2001 Issue of COC (Soft Cover) as per STCW 95 10/08/2001
31 of 2001 Issue of TAR Book to engine ratings 08/08/2001
30 of 2001 Instruction for timely issue of COC (Soft Cover) (EXN-16) 08/06/2001
29 of 2001 Instructions for distribution of New Form 15 (EXN-3) 07/06/2001
28 of 2001 Follow up the procedure for (regularizing the practice of obtaining duplicate case/police reports/FIR) 19/01/2001
25 of 2001 Instructions for class III COC holder who have minimum 2 yrs service as Chief Engineer under NCV area may be allowed to undergo 3 months course as per STCW 95 19/12/2001
10 of 2001 INDOs No. issued by LBS-CAMSAR 21/09/2001
9 of 2001 Advance Fire Fighting Course Certificate 21/09/2001
8 of 2001 The assessment of application for appearing for revalidation and up gradation in accordance with the M.S. Notice No. 6 of 2000 12/07/2001
7 of 2001 The MEO Class II Examination 29/06/2001
6 of 2001 Note 6 of 2001 -Conversion of Certificate of Service issued to Naval Officers to Certificate of Competency 09/03/2001
6 of 2001 The MEO Class II Examination 29/06/2001
5 of 2001 Class II Part B examination under the 'new' examination system of MEO 1998 30/03/2001
4 of 2001 Qualifying sea service towards Class IV Certificate of Competency 16/03/2001
3 of 2001 The MEO Examination of Class II (old) under Exam rule 1989 19/01/2001
Guidelines on conducting Orals (MEO 1998 rules) 12/11/2001
27 of 2000 Conduct of exam assessment and scrutiny of answer scripts conduct of orals and timely declaration or result. 20/12/2000
26 of 2000 Instructions to ensure declaration of result and decentralization of the examination (Form-1, For,-2, Form-3 EXT 37BC) 20/12/2000
25 of 2000 Instructions for class III COC holder who have minimum 2 yrs service as Chief Engineer under NCV area may be allowed to undergo 3 months course as per STCW 95 01/11/2000
24 of 2000 Instructions to flow diagram No.4 of META manual under exam rules and subsequent instruction and examine No.16 under steam 2N and 3N of META 01/11/2000
23 of 2000 Instruction to candidates who have commence their training for appear for Class IV Part B 22/11/2000
22 of 2000 Instruction for declaration of result of Electro Tech & Naval Architecture 20/10/2000
21 of 2000 Instructions for Watch Keepers on coastal vessels (OSVs, Mini Buil, Tug etc) 04/08/2000
20 of 2000 Partial modification of the sub-section of Cir. No.14 25/07/2000
19 of 2000 Instructions to Examiners from the old system to new system (Exam) 07/06/2000
18 of 2000 Instruction for correction of answer sheets by the Examiners 06/06/2000
17 of 2000 Instructions for Letter of Authority 25/05/2000
16 of 2000 Modification flow diagram No. 4 META Manual 11/05/2000
15 of 2000 Instruction for giving rotation numbers from class IV Part A and Class II Part A(New) 06/06/2000
14 of 2000 The Training and Record Book (TAR) & OICEW 19/04/2000
13 of 2000 Instructions for assessment for final evaluation 19/04/2000
12 of 2000 Method of distribution of fees for Examiners of COC 22/03/2000
11 of 2000 Instructions to IIT candidates for obtaining eligibility for entry line steam 4N 03/03/2000
10 of 2000 Guidelines on conducting Orals (MEO 1998 rules) 01/03/2000
9 of 2000 Instructions for sending applications to DGS for assessment of approval in specific case from Mar 00 onwards 23/02/2000
8 of 2000 Instructions to Examiners conducting exam under 1998 rules 23/02/2000
7 of 2000 Option for appearing under the MEO Exam 01/02/2000
2 of 2000 TAR BOOK Class IV B (New) 22/11/2000
1 of 2000 Endorsement of TAR Book -Power delegated to the examiner of Engineer MMDs. 04/08/2000
Corrigendum to Engine Circular 001. 06/08/2000

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